Cllr. Dave Dempsey

Convener - Standards, Audit & Risk Committee
Party: Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Ward: Inverkeithing and Dalgety Bay (Ward 6)
Address: c/o Members Services, Fife House, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT
Telephone: 01383 415022
Mobile: 07585 112996
Other Councillors for this Ward:
- Cllr. David Barratt - Scottish National Party
- Cllr. Patrick Browne - Scottish Labour Party
- Cllr. Sarah Neal - Scottish National Party
Cllr. Dempsey likes doing things with computers. Listening to music - classical and as loud as possible. Instead of holding surgeries at set times, Cllr Dempsey would prefer to meet constituents at a time and place suitable to them. To arrange a meeting please contact him directly.
Committee memberships
- Fife Council
- Common Good and Trusts Investments Sub-Committee
- Education Appeal Sub-Committee
- Fife Planning Committee
- Pensions Committee
- South and West Fife Area Committee
- Standards, Audit & Risk Committee
- West and Central Planning Committee
Register of Interests
Other Roles
Election Expenses
Fife Conservative & Unionist Association/Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party
Houses, Land & Buildings
Dwelling - Ward: 6 - Inverkeithing And Dalgety Bay
Property - Ward: Dunfermline North
Property - Ward: Kirkcaldy Central
Shares & Securities
JP Morgan Global Growth Fund
Scottish Mortgage & Trust PLC
Gifts & Hospitality
Non-Financial Interests
Executive Committee Member – Fife Conservative & Unionist Association
Board Member - Relationships Scotland-Couple Counselling Fife
Member - Electoral Reform Society
Council appointee - Health & Social Care IJB
Council appointee - Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee
Appointment To External Organisations and Boards
- Edinburgh Airport Consultative Committee
- Health & Social Care IJB
- SESTRAN (Regional Transport Partnership)
Close Family Members
Latest Update
Further information about the Committees and Councillors can be found in the Politicians and Committees section of our website.