Community Use

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Putting the Community in the Centre

Working together to make our community spaces affordable, accessible and inspirational.

Discover a range of activities and classes on offer throughout Fife

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What is Community Use?

Community Use is the team that works hard to ensure most of the Halls, Community Centres and Schools in Fife are available for everyone to enjoy learning, leisure, life, and cultural events.

Together with amazing partners we deliver a fantastic programme of inclusive pursuits including physical activity & sport, performing arts, arts & crafts, cookery, modern languages, and vocational training.

We also offer space for meetings, celebrations, and community events in both modern and historical buildings usually found in the heart of the Kingdom’s city, towns and villages.

During 2022, we asked public service professionals, governing bodies, close colleagues and, most importantly, existing and potential customers for their views on Community Use and nearly 500 gave us their feedback. They told us what they valued most was:

  • Affordable access to activities & facilities
  • Opportunities for all
  • A service that helps reduce levels of preventable ill health & improve mental health
  • The provision of lifelong learning opportunities
  • Planning and working together with customers, groups & partners

General Enquiries


Community Use Plan 2023-2026

We have developed our first Community Use Plan, setting out 7 key commitments:

  1. Ensure that cost is never a barrier to participation and make it simple to book and pay
  2. Deliver an accessible programme of activities for every community
  3. Increase participation to improve physical and mental wellbeing and encourage greater social connectedness
  4. Work more closely with all partners to understand and address the needs of our communities
  5. Provide a more flexible model of delivery to ensure our communities have access to the right facilities when they need them
  6. Raise awareness of what Community Use is and guarantee everyone knows what opportunities exist in their area
  7. Commit to constantly improving our customer experience and continuously evaluating the service we offer

In accordance with other strategic documents such as the Plan for Fife, the Community Use Plan will focus our attention on breaking down the barriers to participation, supporting wellbeing and social connectedness and raising awareness of the opportunities available across Fife.

Front cover Community Use Plan document

Concessions and Discounts

Fifestyle is Fife Council’s concession card scheme offering families and individuals discounts to various Fife Council services.