Fife Council have introduced a revised complaint handling procedure from 1 April 2021. A published version of this procedure will be added shortly.
We regard a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction about our action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by us or on our behalf.
You can complain about things like:
Your complaint may involve more than one council service or be about someone working on our behalf. If other procedures or rights of appeal can help you resolve your concerns, we will give you information and advice to help you.
There are some things we can’t deal with through our complaints handling procedure. These include:
Some of the most common problems raised with us are:
You can find online forms for these on this site.
If you have a new problem which you need to report, please do so now using the links above. You can report all of these problems online which will ensure that your concerns are directed straight to the officers who deal with these issues.
Anyone can make a complaint to us, including the representative of someone who is dissatisfied with our service. A representative will be required for young people under 12 years of age.
You can complain in any of the following ways:
It is easier for us to resolve complaints if you make them quickly and directly to the service concerned. So please talk to a member of our staff at the service you are complaining about. Then they can try to resolve any problems on the spot.
When you make your complaint, tell us:
Normally, you must make your complaint within six months of the event you want to complain about.
Unless exceptional circumstances apply, you must escalate the complaint within six months of when you first knew of the problem or within two months of our stage 1 response, whichever is later.
Again, in exceptional circumstances, we may be able to accept a complaint after the time limit. If you feel that the time limit should not apply to your complaint, please tell us why.
We are committed to making our service easy to use for all members of the community. In line with our statutory equality duties, we will always ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to help customers access and use our services. If you have trouble putting your complaint in writing or want this information in another language or format, such as large print or braille please contact us on 03451 55 55 00.
Please note we also have an Unacceptable Actions Policy for customers whose actions or behaviour we consider unacceptable.