
Within this section, you can access information about:

  • Fife’s elected members (councillors)
  • Fife’s decision-making structure, including the council and its committees
  • The meetings of the council and its committees
  • Electoral constituencies and wards
  • Community councils
  • The Provost and his role
  • The Lord Lieutenant

Details for Fife’s MPs, MSPs and MEPs are on the UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament and European Parliament websites:

Fife Council is made up of 75 locally-elected members representing the 22 electoral wards in Fife. Some wards have three members and others four, depending on the size of the ward. There are various political parties represented.

Following their election, the 75 Fife Council members come together at their first meeting and vote to elect a Leader of Fife Council, and to appoint members to the various senior political roles within the council.

As of September 2024, the breakdown of the political groups was as follows:

Breakdown by political groups

Party Elected members
Scottish National Party (SNP) 34
Scottish Labour Party 19
Scottish Liberal Democrats 13
Scottish Conservative & Unionist 8
Independent 1

Decision making

The newly elected Fife Council met in full on 9 May and voted to elect a new Leader of Fife Council. Cllr David Ross (Labour) was elected by 41 votes to 33.

The councillors also voted for a new system of governance based on a Cabinet structure.  The Cabinet Committee is responsible for strategic policy decisions. Membership of the Cabinet comprises the Leader of the Council (Chair), six strategic spokespersons and ordinary members up to a total of 21 members.

Find out more about committees and decision-making.


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