
Our committees meet regularly and make decisions by discussing and voting on a vast range of issues on behalf of the people of Fife. You can view the agendas and minutes of these meetings, along with information on the remit and membership, by clicking on the links below.

Live stream recordings are made of the committee meetings. To view a live stream of these meetings as they happen please click on the “Committee Livestream” button above and select the appropriate meeting.

Fife Council also welcomes visitors to Committee meetings. Most of our meetings are open to the public and representatives from the press who are welcome to sit in and listen to the proceedings. To find out the venue of any meeting you wish to attend, please check the agenda for the specific meeting. If attending a meeting in person, please report to the Main Reception desk in the appropriate Fife Council building, where staff will issue a Visitor Badge and direct you to the meeting room.

Please note that unless you have applied for and been granted permission, you will not be able to speak at the meeting. You may leave and re-enter the meeting at any time, and we would ask that during the meeting, mobile phones are always switched off. The taking of photographs (including screen shots), audio or video recordings are not permitted during meetings unless with the express permission of the Convener.

Occasionally, for legal reasons or reasons of confidentiality, we may have to take the meeting in private. These exempt items are usually the last on the agenda and public and press will be asked to leave the meeting before any discussion begins.

In line with the Data Protection Impact Assessment agreed on 5 November 2020, you can view recordings of some of the meetings for 180 days after the date of the meeting.

A Committee Services Officer attends each meeting and will be pleased to answer any questions you may have before the meeting starts.

Committee information

Fife-wide or strategic committees

Scrutiny and audit function

Planning committees


Licensing committees

Licensing decisions are taken by the Fife Licensing Board which is an independent body.

Fife Licensing Forum has been set up by Fife Council to review the operation of the Licensing (Scotland) act 2005 in Fife and to give advice and make recommendations to the Fife Licensing Board on licensing policy.

Other committees

The Fife Partnership is not a committee of the council but rather brings together representatives of all public sector organisations in Fife.

Area committees


Archived Committees from 2017-2022 Administration

You can find out how we manage the personal information you provide by reading the privacy policy