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Fife Partnership Board | Fife Council

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Fife Partnership Board

For full details of the Committee’s Powers and Terms of Reference please see the published List of Committee Powers available from the Governance Documentation page.

Terms of Reference:

The Fife Partnership Board is the community planning partnership for Fife. It provides strategic leadership, overseeing partnership activity to support the delivery of its agreed vision and outcomes as set out in the Plan for Fife.

For more information on Community Planning, please click here.

The Fife Partnership Board meets four times a year. The lead partner agencies on the board are:

  • Fife Council,
  • NHS Fife
  • Police Scotland
  • Fife Voluntary Action
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Scottish Enterprise
  • Skills Development Scotland
  • Fife College
  • University of St Andrews
  • South East Scotland Transport Partnership (SEStran)
  • Scottish Government
  • Fife Health and Social Care Partnership/Integrated Joint Board
  • Fife’s Business Community
  • Department of Work and Pensions

The Fife Partnership Board receives reports from the Plan for Fife Delivery Leads Group on progress against community planning outcomes.

For more information on Fife Partnership Board please read 'A Guide to the Fife Partnership' in the Key Publications section.

Scheduled meetings of the committee

Previous meetings of the committee

Key Publications

Committee Documents

If you are looking for documents for a specific date, please type the date into the date picker.

Refer to our accessibility statement if you are having trouble accessing any document.