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Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning & Transportation Sub Committee (Archived) | Fife Council

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Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning & Transportation Sub Committee (Archived)

For full details of the Committee’s Powers and Terms of Reference please see the published List of Committee Powers available from the Governance Documentation page.

Terms of Reference:

The terms of reference and functions of the Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee are to deal with the following matters:-

  • sustainable development (including the development, promotion and implementation of policies and strategies to encourage sustainable development in Fife;
  • all matters pertaining to City Region Planning (but excluding any matter remitted to the Planning Committees or Area Committees); and having an input to SESPlan and TayPlan;
  • Approval of any Local Development Plan promoted by the Council, and associated Supplementary Planning Guidance;
  • Planning and implementing community infrastructure to support strategic growth and development, and overseeing developer contributions towards strategic transport and educational capacity;
  • economic development (including vocational training);
  • Economic regeneration and vacant and derelict land;
  • Overseeing the Council’s Employability work;
  • tourism (insofar as relating to the functions of the Council);
  • roads, but excluding all roads matters for which the Area Committees are responsible;
  • transportation (including strategic transportation schemes and traffic orders required for such strategic schemes and charging orders);
  • oversight of the Council’s ongoing relationship with South East Scotland Transport Partnership, and any successor body;
  • provision of transport for educational purposes;
  • harbours;

Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee membership

The Committee comprised 15 members, based on political balance calculated as above.

Scheduled meetings of the committee

There are no meetings currently scheduled.

Previous meetings of the committee

Key Publications

Committee Documents

If you are looking for documents for a specific date, please type the date into the date picker.

Refer to our accessibility statement if you are having trouble accessing any document.

Name Meeting Date Type Download
  • No Results