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Policy & Co-ordination Committee (Archived) | Fife Council

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Policy & Co-ordination Committee (Archived)

For full details of the Committee’s Powers and Terms of Reference please see the published List of Committee Powers available from the Governance Documentation page.

Terms of Reference:

To discharge all of the Council’s functions except those reserved to the Council and those matters specifically delegated to other committees, including the following matters:-

  • exercising strategic leadership of the Council, co-ordinating the efforts of the other committees and where necessary resolving any perceived conflicts between committee decisions;
  • promoting the core values of the Council; in particular, using whatever means are available to the Council to reduce inequality in the Fife area;
  • all strategic and corporate policy affecting Council functions as a whole; developing and approving new policies consistent with the overall strategic approach of the Council which are not within the specific remits of other committees;
  • developing community planning by working in partnership with relevant external organisations;
  • recommending to the Council the budget and strategic policy framework including approval of the draft budget for consultation;
  • monitoring and control of the Council's overall capital and revenue expenditure;
  • providing guidance and direction to Committees to ensure overall control of the Council's finances are within approved budgetary limits and financial regulations;
  • addressing all matters for which have increased financial consequences beyond the currently approved budget;
  • facilitating and encouraging public participation and consultation and ensuring the effective communication of Council policies and strategies;
  • taking decisions which relate to the Council's role in membership of, or partnership with, external organisations beyond a single Area;
  • monitoring the Council’s scheme to promote equality and diversity;
  • providing guidance and direction to Committees in regard to scrutiny and performance management of functions within their remit;
  • reviewing implementation of the key outcomes and improvement priorities under Fife’s Community Plan (Local Outcome Improvement Plan) and the Council’s policy and improvement priorities;
  • Implementation of agreed City Deal Plans for Tay Cities and Edinburgh and South East Scotland
  • With the exception of the Area Settlement Trusts and any other trusts with an impact on only one Area, all matters relating to the Council’s role as Trustees under section 16 of the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994;
  • the overall management and use of all Council assets and resources (insofar as not delegated to the Assets, Property and Facilities Committee) including:-
    • finance (including superannuation fund management);
    • human resources;
    • information (including information technology); and
    • intellectual property
  • Workforce matters insofar as not delegated to the Head of Paid Service;
  • any recommendations or report of any Investigating Committee appointed to investigate any matter in terms of the Scottish Joint Negotiating Committee for Local Authorities Services Disciplinary Procedure for Chief Executives;
  • all functions concerning valuation and electoral registration;
  • Fife's role in European matters including working relationships with the European Commission and the European Parliament;
  • strategic overview of civic affairs, twinning links and partnerships leading to civic, sporting, economic and cultural exchanges; and
  • Strategic decisions relating to the resourcing of, and co-ordination with, the Integrated Joint Board on health and social care matters.

The Committee will also have powers to refer matters to other committees, including the Scrutiny and Area Committees, for their consideration.

Policy and Co-ordination Committee membership

The Committee will comprise 21 members, based on political balance calculated as above. The membership of the committee shall include the Co-Leaders, who shall act as joint Conveners.

Scheduled meetings of the committee

There are no meetings currently scheduled.

Previous meetings of the committee

Key Publications

Committee Documents

If you are looking for documents for a specific date, please type the date into the date picker.

Refer to our accessibility statement if you are having trouble accessing any document.

Name Meeting Date Type Download
  • No Results