Cllr. Alistair Suttie

Party: Scottish National Party
Ward: Leven, Kennoway and Largo (Ward 21)
Address: c/o Members Services, Fife House, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT
Telephone: 03451 555555 x 442320
Mobile: 07515 289170
Other Councillors for this Ward:
- Cllr. Colin Davidson - Scottish Labour Party
- Cllr. David Alexander - Scottish National Party
- Cllr. Eugene Clarke - Scottish Liberal Democrat Party
Committee memberships
- Fife Council
- Education Appeal Sub-Committee
- Education Appointment Sub-Committee
- Education Scrutiny Committee
- Finance, Economy & Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee
- Levenmouth Area Committee
Register of Interests
Amazon - part-time employee
Other Roles
Election Expenses
SNP branch (Mid Fife and Glenrothes)
Houses, Land & Buildings
Dwelling - Ward: 21 - Leven, Kennoway And Largo
Shares & Securities
Gifts & Hospitality
2024, May - Hospitality at Largo Twinning Committee
Non-Financial Interests
Council appointee - Levenmouth Local Tourist Association
Council appointee - Fife Employment Access Trust
Appointment To External Organisations and Boards
Close Family Members
Latest Update
Further information about the Committees and Councillors can be found in the Politicians and Committees section of our website.