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St Monans Allotments are blooming marvellous | Fife Council

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St Monans Allotments are blooming marvellous

St Monans allotments opening

Everything’s coming up roses - and rhubarb and peas, carrots, broccoli and more - in the newly opened St Monans Allotments and Community Growing site.

The space, at the newly built Railway Terrace, St Monans, was given to the community as part of an S75 agreement and has been created in memory of Michael and Anne Thomson of Newark Farm, who were also keen amateur gardeners. The site was constructed in a partnership between Lochay Homes and Fife Council.

Councillor Linda Erskine, Spokesperson for Communities and Leisure Services said: “I’m really delighted to be able to open this new food growing space here today. These allotments have been a long time in the planning. Thanks to the hard work of our staff, and the support of Lochay Homes, the Thomson family and the local community, this amazing community space can now go on to flourish.

“Fife Council’s Allotments and Community Growing Strategy 2024-2029) aims to help more people who want to grow their own fruit, vegetables, flowers and herbs to access land in ways that are safe and sustainable and with the requisite skills and knowledge.”

The site, which has been created with £50,000 funding from Fife Council, has 39 plots, including starter plots, a community growing space, a polytunnel, a meeting space, storage facilities and a Portaloo. The site will be run by St Monans Allotment Association with support from Fife Council.

Chair of the association, John Kirk said: “We really appreciate the time and effort spent in creating this excellent resource for the local community. Great to see such a diverse group of people from the East Neuk forming into a community and benefiting from the growing experience.  Young and old having fun and being introduced to people they would otherwise never have met. It’s especially pleasing to see the number of children and young people taking part.  Hopefully, this allotment has planted the seeds for a lifetime interest in gardening and growing food.”

Many of the new plot holders were on site, along with the horticultural trainers from Sow ‘n’ Grow, a Fife based social enterprise which provide a service to all new growers, along with representatives from the school, the town, Fife Council and Lochay Homes.

The poly tunnel will also be used by St Monans in bloom and by St Monans Primary School for growing and educational purposes and it will be great for rainy days too.

Jamie Thomson, Director of Lochay Homes Ltd, said: “Getting this site up and growing has been a real achievement for everyone involved and has only been made possible by the community and partners working together to bring this shared vision to fruition.”

All plots are currently let, however if you wish to join the waiting list, please contact Allotments @fife.co.uk