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Provost encourages over 67s to apply for Pension Credits and score some extra cash | Fife Council

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Provost encourages over 67s to apply for Pension Credits and score some extra cash

This article is more than 1 year old

Pension Credits

Fife’s Provost, Cllr Jim Leishman is encouraging everyone in Fife, over the age of 67, to complete a benefit check, apply for Pension Credits and claim what they are entitled to before 19 December.

Many older people are not claiming all the benefits they are entitled to and are just “getting by” with their state pension, leaving around £10m of unclaimed Pension Credit in Fife alone.

Now Provost Leishman has joined the campaign to make sure older people are getting what they are due. He said:

“For many in my generation there’s a reluctance to ask for support or benefits, but this isn’t a hand out. This is people simply claiming what they are due. The money is theirs, from pots that they have paid into with their taxes all their lives. This isn’t a hand out, it’s simply getting what is rightfully theirs.

“The reason we are asking people to apply for Pension Credit before 19 December is that, if they do, they could be eligible for a further cost of living payment worth over £300.  In these difficult times, that money could make a real difference.”

Pension Credit is an extra payment made in addition to State Retirement Pension. Even those who are already receiving some benefits or have some savings could be eligible.  It’s easy to find out if you or someone you know would qualify by using the Fife Benefit Checker. It’s quick and easy to use and many people find that they are entitled to more than they think.

The Fife Benefit Checker is available on the website www.our.fife.scot/gethelp but those who need a bit of extra support through the process or who are not online can call the Community Support Line on 0800 952 0330 to speak to an advisor or book a face-to-face appointment.

While Pension Credit can be applied for at any time, those over 67 are being encouraged to apply before 19 December in order to get an additional cost of living payment.

Cllr. Leishman continued: “We don’t want to see any older people struggling to eat or heat their homes this winter, when help is available. So if you, or someone you know or care for, is over 67 years old, please check to see what you could get. It might be more than you think. Don’t miss out, get what you are due.”