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Baby memorial for Fife | Fife Council

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Baby memorial for Fife

This article is more than 2 years old

Baby memorial for Fife

Parents of the Fife babies, whose ashes weren't returned to their families, are being asked to help design a memorial to commemorate their babies.

Following consultation, a number of criteria have now been agreed. Potential locations have been identified in Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy but where exactly the memorials should be situated and the look and feel is still to be agreed.

It is hoped that as many parents as possible will come forward to help make sure the design of the memorial reflects what parents really want.

Alan Paul, Senior Manager, said: “We are very aware that everyone deals with grief differently and individual parents will have different views on what kind of memorial they would want to see in Fife. It is important to us that we get as many views as possible, so we can make sure it feels right for everyone.

“We have already been working with a number of parents and we have a range of views and ideas but, now we are reaching the design stage, we want to make sure that as many parents as possible are given the chance to tell us how they’d like the memorial to look.”

Parents are being offered the chance to either fill in an online form or make an appointment to chat one to one. They can also come along to a public meeting where they can look at different ideas and ask questions and put forward their own ideas and thoughts.

Alan Paul, continued: “I have written to all the parents we currently know of, but I’d ask anyone else who was affected by our previous handling of babies ashes to come and speak to us so that we can take their views into account too.

“Finally, I’d like to apologise once again for the hurt and anguish caused by the way our crematoria used to operate.”

If you feel you have been affected and want to get involved meetings will be held:

Tuesday 1st of February 6.30pm to 7.30pm - Townhouse Kirkcaldy
Thursday 3rd of February 6.30pm to 7.30pm - Dunfermline City Chambers

Alternatively you can book a phone conversation with our designer and bereavement team by emailing babies.memorial@fife.gov.uk.

Please request information on the design consultation and a link to the online form by emailing babies.memorial@fife.gov.uk.

The design consultation will close on Thursday 10th February 2021.