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Community & Housing Services Sub-Committee (Archived) | Fife Council

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Community & Housing Services Sub-Committee (Archived)

For full details of the Committee’s Powers and Terms of Reference please see the published List of Committee Powers available from the Governance Documentation page.

Terms of Reference:

The terms of reference and functions of the Committee are to deal with the following matters:-

  • acting as a point of strategic liaison with the Area Committees, co-ordinating and assisting communication between the Areas and sharing best practice; to further this aim, all Area Conveners are to be members of the Committee;
  • aiding and promoting public participation in the Council’s consultative and decision making functions, and community engagement in general;
  • aiding and promoting community wellbeing, including community health, local environment, housing and community provision;
  • ensuring the Council’s corporate response to the Community Empowerment Act 2015 is co-ordinated at all levels; dealing with requests to participate in a service;
  • oversight, and development of, the Council’s corporate complaints procedure;
  • all matters relating to the provision of community services for which the Council is responsible including:-
    1. community and further education and adult guidance insofar as within the responsibility of the Council
    2. the provision or procurement of leisure, recreational and cultural facilities including parks, sports centres, allotments, the countryside, theatres, museums, art galleries and libraries
    3. All matters in connection with the Council’s Arm’s Length External Organisation partners Fife Cultural Trust, Fife Sports and Leisure Trust, Fife Golf Trust, and Fife Coast and Countryside Trust
    4. the promotion of community engagement and wellbeing and the development of initiatives to achieve Community Plan objectives
    5. the development, maintenance and review of the Council’s community learning and development strategy
    6. matters relating to the registration of births, deaths and marriages
    7. strategies to regenerate and ensure sustainable communities including use of regeneration funding streams; and development of initiatives and arrangements to improve local service delivery neighbourhood management and quality of the local environment
    8. customer contact
    9. Scheme for Community Councils
    10. Fife wide grant funding
  • all matters relating to the work of the Community Safety Partnership, who shall provide regular reports to the Committee on its work
  • all matters relating to the Fife wide provision of Housing Services for which the Council is responsible including:
    1. the Council’s responsibilities as the statutory housing authority for Fife relating to the construction and acquisition of council housing,
    2. all matters relating to housing investment and the affordable housing programme;
    3. the provision of council housing;
    4. the development and implementation of housing policy, including the Council’s functions as landlord;
    5. all matters relating to the maintenance and development of Council housing;

Community and Housing Services Committee membership

The Committee comprised 15 members, based on political balance calculated as above, but where possible including all Area Conveners.

Scheduled meetings of the committee

There are no meetings currently scheduled.

Previous meetings of the committee

Key Publications

Committee Documents

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Refer to our accessibility statement if you are having trouble accessing any document.

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  • No Results