
The Council maintains the cleanliness and tidiness of streets and street furniture.

Don't rubbish Fife. Check who you pay to take your rubbish away

Flytipping, or illegal dumping, impacts on people’s health, wildlife and our environment. We know that most people want to keep Fife clean. That’s why we’ve launched our ‘Don’t Rubbish Fife’ campaign.

Please help stop illegal dumping by reporting it

Check who you pay to take your rubbish away

Use a registered waste carrier if you’re paying someone to dispose of waste:

Reuse, reduce and recycle

There are a range of cost-effective and safe ways to get rid of waste responsibly or

Street Cleaning

We regularly inspect the streets and pavements in Fife to make sure they are maintained to an acceptable standard. Our priority is to maintain the cleanliness of an area, rather than how often it's cleaned.

Street and pavement cleaning standards are set by a Code of Practice included in the Environmental Protection Act 1990. This sets out the reasonable and acceptable standards of cleanliness, which we are expected to meet.

All areas are categorised, with each having a timescale by which it should be returned to a litter free standard. They are graded in respect of their cleanliness and audited by the Local Environmental Audit Management System (L.E.A.M.S).

If you feel that the standard of cleanliness in your area is not satisfactorily maintained, please contact us using the details below to have the problem investigated. We'll aim to respond within five working days.

Environmental Services - Street Cleaning (lines open 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.)
Tel: 03451 55 00 22
By Post: Fife House North Street Glenrothes Fife KY7 5LT.