
We can help with a range of environmental health issues such as nuisance, air quality, animal health and food.

Please only use this email address if your enquiry is for a service or topic named above.

For anti-social behaviour – please click on the Antisocial Behaviour Reporting Form.

For missed waste collections and related problems, please go to the Recycling and Waste for Residents information.

For accumulations of rubbish in gardens, dog fouling/aggressive dogs, pest control, littering/fly tipping and aggressive birds, please see the information on Looking after our communities.

For private housing conditions, including damp and water quality, please email the Private Housing Team at

For problems with commercial waste, please email the Duty of Care Team at

For street cleaning, dead animals on roads, or footpaths, please contact the Environment reporting line on 03451 55 00 22, Monday to Friday. We will only respond to emergency situations, such as deers on the road or dead birds, over weekends or on public holidays. Please call 03451 55 00 99 during these times.


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