
Use this form if you are looking to purchase property or access owned by Fife Council that is not on the market.

Please see the Council’s Land Titles and Assets Map (Property ownership) to check whether the Council owns the property that you are interested in purchasing.

You will be asked to upload:

  • an Ordnance Survey plan or other map and a photograph to identify the land, access or building.
  • If the location is not obvious from the street address, description and photograph, then please use the link below to identify the what3words location.

Cost of the land, building, or access

The minimum charge to purchase land or a building is £5,000 but will be assessed on a commercial basis.

The minimum charge for vehicular access is £10,000, with all other access rights subject to a minimum charge of £5,000. This will also be assessed on a commercial basis.

Where access is required, this may be achieved either by granting access rights or by selling the land over which access is to be taken. Where land is sold solely to provide access, the minimum price for access includes the land required for that access.

It's your responsibility to get any statutory consent that may be required, including planning permission. This includes change of use and, in the case of vehicular access, the Council’s consent to construct a vehicular access crossing over a road, path or verge and to lower a kerb (under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984). You must have all statutory permissions before access is taken to the subjects.

You will be responsible for all costs required to relocate road signs, street lighting, street furniture or other changes required to facilitate the proposed use of the subjects.

The £250 application charge is for consideration of the application. If the application is accepted, there will be the following costs in addition to the charge for the land or access rights:

  • Estates fee of £350 to Fife Council to cover Estates’ costs and expenses. (This is in addition to the application fee of £250). Please note in more complex cases, this estate fee may be increased.
  • Legal fee – £600 to Fife Council to cover the Council’s legal costs and expenses. Please note in more complex cases, an additional contribution to the Council’s legal costs and expenses may be required.
  • The Council’s legal outlays, including registration dues.
  • Your own costs in instructing your solicitor, obtaining any statutory consents and implementing the proposal for which land or access rights are being acquired. Please note, for vehicular access, the costs may include the construction of a dropped kerb and a tarmac, or other surface, over the access route.

Additional Development Value

Please note that, in some cases, the land may have additional development potential. This may be on its own or together with other property. In such cases, an independent valuation will be required and there will be an additional charge for this. You will be advised of this when your application is being considered. The Council may at any time decide to offer the property on the open market to ensure that best value is secured. If this happens, you will have the opportunity to submit an offer.

Cost of application

The fee for this application is £250 and is non-refundable, even if the land is not owned by the Council. Please, therefore confirm Council ownership before submitting your application.

Online payment will be requested at the end of this form. Have a credit or debit card ready before starting.

You can find out about how we manage the personal information you provide by reading the privacy policy.