
The last few years have been challenging but that hasn’t stopped the efforts of the council and its partners when it comes to supporting the Kirkcaldy area and its people.Aerial view of Kirkcaldy prom

As well as looking back at the various projects and initiatives that have taken place and been helped across the area since 2019. Including:

  • Establishment of the Food Crisis Fund
  • The Big Hoose development by Cottage Family Centre, in association with Amazon and other business partners
  • Waterfront accessibility with viewing platforms
  • The launch of the Kirkcaldy gift card
  • New housing on the former Co-op site on Kirkcaldy high street
  • Development of Scotland’s largest LGBT+ centre – the Hive, in Kirkcaldy Town Centre

Members of the Kirkcaldy Area Committee have agreed to focus on six priorities which they hope will not only benefit the local area over the next three years but have a wider impact on issues like the climate change emergency and Community Wealth Building.

The Plan 4 Kirkcaldy 2023-2026, priorities are:

  • Support with the Cost of Living
  • Early Intervention and Prevention of Crisis
  • Local Economy and Skills
  • Town Centres and Waterfront
  • Sense of Pride, Identity and Safer Communities
  • Outdoor Places and Spaces

Through the Local Community Planning Budget underspend and Community Recover Fund, members have also agreed £1m of funding for various projects including:

  • Everyone Every Day: £240,000
  • Rural Skills Scotland: £60,000
  • Cosy Kingdom: £50,000
  • Place Officer and resource for digital platform (Tourism and Town Centres)
  • £300,000
  • Adam Smith Tercentenary Events and legacy proposals: Up to £100,000
  • Additional Welfare Reform Support: £122,000
  • Participatory Budgeting: £300,000
  • Pathway to Prospects trainee posts: £50,000
  • Fundraiser Post to support Kirkcaldy Foodbank: £10,000

Almost £2m will also be spent on a number of footpath, lighting and road and traffic improvements. Including:

  • Resurfacing of Prestonfield Drive, Kirkcaldy
  • Upgrade to the footpath on Greenloanings – this includes Birnam Road, Dallas Drive to Blairmore Road (south side), Birnam Road, Findhorn Place to shops (north side), Blairmore Road, Birnam Road to the pedestrian crossing outside the school
  • New rising bollards for Kirkcaldy High Street
  • Upgrade to the lighting on Kilcruik Road, Glebe Place, Manse Road and Templars Crescent, Kinghorn

Convener of the Kirkcaldy Area Committee, Councillor Ian Cameron, said: “Today we’ve heard about the fantastic work that has already taken place and been supported over the last few years and how experience of the response to the COVID-19 emergency, together with the emerging strategies for recovery and reform, provided a valuable opportunity for us to refocus work and delivery for the Plan4 Kirkcaldy Area.

“The process of reflecting and reviewing the Plan 4 Kirkcaldy Area 2019-2022 has informed and influenced the development of the new plan.

“It’s widely recognised that it is at times challenging to separate people and place so instead of working against this we’re going to use this as a strength. We know from asking people that they particularly want to see improvements in work and local economy; moving around; streets and spaces. Hopefully today’s decisions underline our commitment to investing in the Kirkcaldy area and its people.

“Together we will continue to make the Kirkcaldy area resilient and vibrant – a place where people want to live, work and visit.”

You can read more about the projects – completed and planned – online (see pages 8 – 33).