
Fife is served by an extensive and demand responsive transport network. Most bus services in Fife are provided on a commercial basis. The Council subsidises around 10% of the network, mainly in the evening/weekends but also in many rural areas. These routes carried 2.3 million passengers in 2019.

Public transport is expensive to operate, and access is constrained, particularly in rural areas. That is why, in 2023, we’ve allocated a further £700,000 to improving our supported bus services across Fife.

As part of our improvements to bus services in Fife, we work closely with the Fife Bus Partnership. In 2021, the Council were awarded £1.8 million from Transport Scotland’s Bus Partnership Fund for bus priority measures, to improve journey times and reliability. We're currently developing options along five corridors.

Alongside our supported bus services, we provide Go-Flexi and Fife Bus, which provide on-demand bus services for some rural areas and for people who are not able to access mainstream passenger transport.

We also provide the MyFife National Entitlement Card which offers a range of concessionary travel schemes for people in Fife.

We want everyone to be able to access bus travel in Fife, and to know exactly what routes they can travel. The Council, in partnership with Smarter Choices, Smarter Places, have created our Journey Planning Map. This interactive map allows you to plan your journeys ahead of time.

The map allows you to:

  • search for bus services and stops;
  • download timetables, and
  • see the route your service takes

In addition to our online tools, you can also get timetable and journey planning information when you’re out and about at:

  • 2,000 + bus stops which display the times of buses from individual stops
  • Five bus stations with stance information, electronic departure screens, timetable leaflets and other travel publications - all bus stations have staffed Stagecoach Travel Shops
  • 19 railway stations (11 staffed), providing timetable information
  • St Andrews Tourist Information Centre holds timetable leaflets and other travel publications
  • Local Council Offices and Libraries hold timetable leaflets and other travel publications
  • Victoria, St Andrews & Queen Margaret Hospitals, which hold timetable leaflets and other travel publications

For more information, visit the Travel Fife website or email