
IJB Personal Story Privacy Notice

Thank you for agreeing to share your story/experience at a future Integration Joint Board meeting. The following information will provide you with detail about the role of the Integration Joint Board and its membership and will outline the purpose of asking you to share your story and the anticipated outcomes.

Role and Remit of Integrated Joint Board

The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 requires local authorities and health boards to work together to integrate health and social care services. In Fife, the Integration Joint Board (IJB) was created for this purpose, and is responsible for the planning and delivery of health and social care services within Fife. The IJB works with its partners, Fife Council and NHS Fife, to improve outcomes for patients, services users, carers, and their families.

The Role of the Integration Joint Board is to ensure that:

  1. People are able to look after and improve their own health and wellbeing and live in good health for longer.
  2. People, including those with disabilities or long term conditions, or who are frail, are able to live, as far as reasonably practicable, independently and at home or in a homely setting in their community.
  3. People who use health and social care services have positive experiences of those services, and have their dignity respected.
  4. Health and social care services are centred on helping to maintain or improve the quality of life of people who use those services.
  5. Health and social care services contribute to reducing health inequalities.
  6. People who provide unpaid care are supported to look after their own health and wellbeing, including to reduce any negative impact of their caring role on their own health and wellbeing.
  7. People using health and social care services are safe from harm.
  8. People who work in health and social care services feel engaged with the work they do and are supported to continuously improve the information, support, care and treatment they provide.
  9. Resources are used effectively and efficiently in the provision of health and social care services.

Purpose of sharing your story/experience

The information that you provide about your experiences may be included in reports as a case study and used as a learning and improvement opportunity. This ensures that the IJB listens to your story and learns from your experience. It also helps the IJB understand a range of different perspectives and expectations – and importantly whether these are met at the point of care.

Sharing your experiences will influence development and decision making at the Integration Joint Board and improve the quality of care that we provide.

Who do we share your information with?

Where necessary, we will share personal information that we hold with our partner agencies Fife Council and NHS Fife.

Sometimes other organisations may request information that we hold, for example the Police or other government agencies. All collection, use, sharing and storage of personal information will be in accordance with legislative requirements, including the General Data Protection Regulation.

Access to your information and correction

You have the right to request access to the information that we hold about you. You can use the online form on our Subject Access Request (GDPR) page or use the contact details provided below to do this.

We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.

If you have any queries relating to making a Subject Access Request, please contact the Information Management & Request Team:

Tel: 01592 583530

How long do we keep your information?

The agendas and minutes of the meetings of the Integration Joint Board are retained permanently. Personal information included in the reports provided to the IJB, for example in case studies, may also be retained. We will discuss this with you when we ask for your consent to include personal details about you in the case study.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or the information that we hold about you:

Fife Health and Social Care PartnershipFife HouseNorth StreetGlenrothesFifeKY7 5LT

The Data Protection Officer for the Fife Integration Joint Board is Avril Sweeney. For more information, you can email: