The Data Protection Legislation 2018 applies to personal data held by an Organisation. The Act allows people 12 years of age and over, to find out what personal information is held about them and why it is held by making a Subject Access Request (SAR).
Personal data is any information which is capable of identifying a living individual e.g. name and address, audio or video recording, CCTV image, email address, postcode, photograph etc.
A SAR can include both electronic information and paper records.
If you want to make a request for your own personal data, we need the following information to allow us to process your request:
All information identified to fall into the scope of your request is required to be checked by the Information Management & Requests Team prior to releasing it. In some instances this can be extremely time consuming, therefore by providing as much information at the time the request is made may assist in speeding up our response to you.
Proof of ID – We do this in various ways:
Once we receive your valid request and your proof of ID, we have 30 calendar days to provide the information to you. Fife Council receives a large amount of these types of requests, but we will endeavour to provide a response to you as soon as possible after receipt of your valid request. If your request is excessive, we may require that you provide further information to reduce the scope of your request. If this is not possible to do, we may be required to extend your request to up to 90 calendar days. We may also be required to apply a cost. If a cost is to be applied you will be advised of this prior to us working on your request, with advice on how to make the payment.
If you want to make a request on behalf of a third party, such as:
A parent can also ask for information under the Pupils Education Records (Scotland) Act. Information relating to this is given below.
You can make a request by, online form, letter or email – send your request, with the information noted above to:
If you have any queries relating to making a Subject Access Request, please contact the Information Management & Request Team by calling:
01592 583530, or email us at, alternatively you can write to us at the address above.
Parents/Carers requesting Education Records for a child they have parental rights for can make this request in the same way that a subject access request is made. If required, proof of parental rights will be requested during the process. Please see Education Records for more information.
For details of further see Subject Rights - Note for Public.
You can use the online form below to request access to information held about you:
Information Requests Online
If you have difficulty viewing the information request form, open it in a new browser window
If you are not satisfied with the way in which the Council has handled your Subject Access Request, you may wish to request a review of the decision. A review will be carried out within 30 working days from receipt. Please write to: Head of Legal Services, Finance & Corporate Services, Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT or e-mail to
You are entitled to submit a request for review within three months of receiving the response to your Subject Access Request or from the date you submitted your request, whichever is the later date. The Council will consider whether to respond to requests for review outwith these timescales although it is not obliged to do so.
The Information Commissioner promotes public access to official information and protects personal information. The ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) is an independent body with specific responsibilities set out in the Data Protection Act 1998.
This link will take you to the ICO website (opens in a new browser tab or window):
Where the outcome of the internal review fails to resolve the matter to your complete satisfaction you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office to raise your concern or complaint. The ICO can be contacted in writing at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or telephone: 0303 123 1113 or online: www.