Community planning is a process by which all the public services within a local authority area are planned and provided: health, social care, schools, colleges, police, fire, roads, transport, waste collection and more.
For the first time in Fife there’s one plan for the future of public services - one plan that the council and its partners have signed up to and provides a vision for Fife for the next ten years. It’s simple, it’s straightforward and it puts fairness at the heart of everything we do, bringing Fife’s communities and services together in a way that means everyone can get involved in improving their neighbourhoods and creating a fairer Fife.
That is the Plan for Fife.
Our research team studied communities across Fife to understand various information such as:
We discussed many issues with local people to understand what their priorities are.
Some areas are thriving, some are doing okay, but there are other areas of Fife where there are real challenges. Too many Fifers are living in poverty - and that’s not acceptable.
This new plan puts fairness at the heart of everything we do. It brings services and communities together in new ways. Together, we can achieve this by focusing on four key themes:
The Fife Partnership Board is the community planning partnership for Fife. It provides strategic leadership, overseeing partnership activity to support the delivery of its agreed vision and outcomes.
Click here for more information about The Fife Partnership Board
Back To TopFife Community Safety Partnership was established in May 1998 to take forward Fife’s work on community safety.
We endeavour to ensure that people in Fife are safe from crime, disorder, danger and free from injury and harm; Fife’s communities are socially cohesive and tolerant and, are resilient and able to support individuals to take responsibility for their wellbeing.
We bring together staff from
To provide a local response, we operate monthly meetings with all relevant staff working in community safety in each of Fife’s seven areas: Cowdenbeath, Dunfermline, Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy, Levenmouth, North East and South West Fife.
Each of our local teams, and staff working Fife-wide, work towards Making Fife’s Communities Safer, one of the long term aims within Fife’s Community Plan. Our outcomes for the next three years, held in our Community Safety strategy, are:
Our partnership Strategic Assessment and its Annual Review for 2012 provide a background of comprehensive analysis and evidence on these community safety issues.
We encourage anyone experiencing crime or antisocial behaviour, “Don’t Put Up With It, Report It!”
To report antisocial behaviour call 03451 55 00 22 (lines open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm). Outwith these times call police on 101. In an emergency contact 999.
We also welcome feedback and suggestions on how to make Fife - and your local community - safer.
Join us at or
Plus, you can attend one of the regular community engagement meetings in your neighbourhood - see and click on the map for details.
Back To TopFife Environmental Partnership is responsible for the sustaining and improving our environment theme of Fife’s Community Plan. It aims to work in partnership to set a clear and strategic direction to protect and enhance Fife’s environment in a sustainable manner to pass onto future generations.
Environmental partners include:
The Environmental Partnership maintains a strategic overview and contributes to the delivery of the Scottish, UK Government and European legislation and targets. Sustaining and improving our environment local outcomes include:
The remit of the group includes:
Fife Environmental Partnership reports to the Fife Partnership Executive Group.
Back To TopFife’s strategic assessment provides the evidence base for identifying priorities across Fife and those facing the seven committee areas within Fife. These priorities help to inform future work plans and provide a solid foundation for our work at a local and Fife-wide level.