
Community planning is a process by which all the public services within a local authority area are planned and provided: health, social care, schools, colleges, police, fire, roads, transport, waste collection and more.

A New Plan for Fife

For the first time in Fife there’s one plan for the future of public services - one plan that the council and its partners have signed up to and provides a vision for Fife for the next ten years. It’s simple, it’s straightforward and it puts fairness at the heart of everything we do, bringing Fife’s communities and services together in a way that means everyone can get involved in improving their neighbourhoods and creating a fairer Fife.

That is the Plan for Fife.

Our research team studied communities across Fife to understand various information such as:

  • Population changes
  • Employment prospects

We discussed many issues with local people to understand what their priorities are.

Some areas are thriving, some are doing okay, but there are other areas of Fife where there are real challenges. Too many Fifers are living in poverty - and that’s not acceptable.

This new plan puts fairness at the heart of everything we do. It brings services and communities together in new ways. Together, we can achieve this by focusing on four key themes:

  • Opportunities for all
  • Thriving places
  • Inclusive growth and jobs
  • Community led services

Partnership Groups

Fife’s Strategic Assessment

Fife’s strategic assessment provides the evidence base for identifying priorities across Fife and those facing the seven committee areas within Fife. These priorities help to inform future work plans and provide a solid foundation for our work at a local and Fife-wide level.