
Contractor Rules

Our key priority is to ensure the mutual safety of our respective workforces and anyone else who might be affected (visitors, pupils, those in our care, people living nearby and other members of the public). The rules form an integral part of our arrangements for effective communication, coordination and cooperation to ensure mutual safety.

Fife Council contractor rules apply to:

  • large and small construction projects
  • other works and maintenance (including decoration) contracts (including window cleaning)

which take place within the boundaries of our properties. Separate rules apply (see below) for Housing Projects and Repairs.

These rules do not apply to self-contained Projects (including design and build) on green or brown field sites where there is no significant overlap with our day-to-day business. For those Projects, the Contractor/Principal Contractor will develop his own rules in accordance with the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.

Roads and Street Works

Separate Rules apply for roads and street works and apply equally to in-house and externally appointed contractors.

The term ‘Contractor’ extends to Fife Council Services, e.g. Building Services, Roads Construction Operations and Community Services (Parks, Streets and Open Spaces).

Information for Contractors

Our contractor rules and any additional requirements are stipulated in our tender documents and will usually form part of our contract specification and contractual requirements. These should in turn be referenced and adopted within any Construction Phase Plan you develop. (Additional special conditions of contract and rules may also apply).

We have 3 sets of published contractor rules for:

Type of ProjectRule Set Reference
Set A Non- Domestic projects and repairs OHS-C-41.G1
Set B Housing projects and repairs OHS-C-41.G2
Set C Roads and street works TE HS 04 CDM 2015 - 06

Please make sure to select the rule set appropriate to your project or tender

Contact your Contract Administrator if in doubt 

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