
The Council regularly reports on our performance so that you know how we are doing when it comes to providing services, using our resources, and delivering on our priorities and ambitions.

Like all Local Authorities, we report on a range of Local and National Performance Indicators, and these cover all of the core Services of the Council.

Plan for Fife (2017- 2027)

We spoke to local people about their priorities and highlighted lots of different issues that you feel public services need to focus on.

Some areas are thriving, some are doing OK, but there are other areas of Fife where there are real challenges. Too many Fifers are living in poverty – and that’s not acceptable.

This Plan for Fife puts fairness at the heart of everything we do, bringing services and communities together in new ways.

Though it’s a huge challenge, together, we can make things fairer for Fife by focusing on key themes that will direct the work of the Council and Fife Partnership.

  • Opportunities for all
  • Thriving places
  • Inclusive growth and jobs
  • Community led services
  • Addressing the climate emergency

Find out more about that and how we are currently focusing our work in the Plan for Fife Update: Recovery and Renewal 2021-24

Recent performance reports

Council scrutiny

We take annual performance reports to Scrutiny Committees. Performance Reports are used to highlight how each service is performing and the improvement activity being undertaken. These reports are also monitored by Audit Scotland to ensure adherence to their Statutory Guidance.

How we compare and improve

We compare our performance with other Scottish Local Authorities, to see how well we are doing.  You can use the Local Government Benchmarking Framework (LGBF) to look at our performance against that of other Councils and see how we are doing, compared to the Scottish average.  You can also use the Community Planning Outcomes Profiling (CPOP) Tool to compare key life outcomes for local communities across Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs), Areas, and neighbourhoods within Fife.

In addition, The Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 places a duty on all Councils to secure Best Value, which is defined as the delivery of continuous improvement in the performance of all the Council’s functions and activities.

The Council is subject to regular audit and inspection by a wide range of external scrutiny agencies. More detail can be found in the links below.