
Club Fife

ClubFife is Fife Council’s accreditation scheme for community sports clubs and physical activity providers.

Activity provider

Activity provider ensures that the club meets a minimum set of requirements. This includes basic structure, insurance and qualifications.


  1. Application – Submit Application to the sports development team.
  2. Submission - Complete the Club Fife questionnaire and submit required evidence.
  3. Accreditation – Your club will receive accreditation or be informed on what further evidence is required to achieve accreditation.

Become an accredited ClubFife Activity Provider

What ClubFife can do for your club

Having ClubFife can be advantageous in many of the following ways:

  • Club development
    The ClubFife process helps clubs build a solid infrastructure within the club.
  • Community credibility
    By addressing issues such as child protection, equity and first aid, people will have increased confidence in your organisation when deciding which club to join.
  • Continuous improvement
    ClubFife accreditation actively encourages clubs to be better organised and work together more effectively.
  • Developing coaches
    All ClubFife clubs must ensure that coaches and volunteers have received the appropriate training and hold the appropriate qualifications giving people confidence that standards will be maintained and performance improved.
  • Finding and keeping members
    Achieving ClubFife makes you think about how you cater for all your club members and how to attract new members.
  • Funding
    Many funding bodies actively look for ClubFife accreditation (or governing body equivalent) or require clubs to be working towards it before they consider offering funding.
  • Training
    Clubs going through ClubFife accreditation are financially supported on certain Active Fife training courses. Please see Active Fife training programme for details on eligible courses.
  • Links with schools
    The ClubFife process can help establish strong links with local schools to help attract and retain new junior members. Schools in Fife look out for the ClubFife logo, as they know they are signposting their children to a safe and structured club.and will be recognised by Active Fife’s social networking sites and any other Active Fife publicity.
  • Marketing & promotion
    All ClubFife clubs can use the ClubFife logo and will be recognised by Active Fife’s social networking sites and any other Active Fife publicity.
  • Volunteers
    ClubFife promotes a culture within clubs that recognises hard work and dedication, and achieving accreditation can help to get more people involved, and keep them involved. Volunteer codes of conduct help clubs understand who does what and helps recognise their contribution to the club.

Club Fife Training Courses

Find out more about training available to coaches and clubs in Fife

Club Development Opportunities

Active Fife is committed to providing opportunities for coaches and committee members to develop their ability to lead and administrate sessions within Fife’s sports clubs and organisations, schools and leisure facilities.

This calendar of courses has been developed in partnership with a number of local partners and governing bodies to provide a comprehensive selection of courses and workshops to meet the needs of the sport and physical activity providers in Fife.

Click on the links below for dates and further information. If you cannot find the course you are looking for then please get in touch with the Active Fife, Sports Development team, who will be happy to signpost you to the nearest available course.

Online training for sports coaches

School to Club links

Fife Council Sports Development team in partnership with Fife Active Schools and other partners have developed a resource to help sports clubs establish meaningful links with local schools.

Find out more

Get in touch with the team

Active Fife Sports Development Team  
Tel: 01383 602393