Fife Walking stories

Bums Off Seats

Fife Walk Leader Claire celebrated at national walking awards 2023

Fife local celebrated at national walking awards

A FIFE resident has been recognised for her role in doubling the size and frequency of the regions local evening walking groups.

Crowned by Scotland’s walking charity, Paths for All, Claire Henderson, Walk Leader of Bums Off Seats (The Right Step) project has been awarded Health Walk Volunteer of the year at the 2023 Volunteer Awards.

As a dedicated Walk Leader, Claire has been instrumental in leading Bums Off Seats Health Walks in the Fife area, forming an evening walking group in 2021.

In January 2023, Claire started a second evening walk with less than 10 attendees to offer the community a choice of days and areas and formed the ‘The Right Step’ community specifically for the evening Bums off Seats walking groups.

The evening group meets twice a week, with an average of 20 walkers attending each session. As well as regularly meeting for social outings, bringing together community members from all walks of life.

To Find out more about Claire and the amazing work she is doing please see below link.

Fife local celebrated at national walking awards  A FIFE resident has been recognised for her role in doubling the size and frequency of the regions local evening walking groups.   Crowned by Scotland’s walking charity, Paths for All, Claire Henderson, Walk Leader of Bums Off Seats (The Right Step) project has been awarded Health Walk Volunteer of the year at the 2023 Volunteer Awards.   As a dedicated Walk Leader, Claire has been instrumental in leading Bums Off Seats Health Walks in the Fife area, forming an evening walking group in 2021.   In January 2023, Claire started a second evening walk with less than 10 attendees to offer the community a choice of days and areas and formed the ‘The Right Step’ community specifically for the evening Bums off Seats walking groups.  The evening group meets twice a week, with an average of 20 walkers attending each session. As well as regularly meeting for social outings, bringing together community members from all walks of life.   To Find out more about Claire and the amazing work she is doing please see below link.  Walk Leader, Claire, praised for getting community moving - Paths for All | Paths for All

This is Pat one of our walkers who regularly attends the Bums Off Seats walks and has been coming down for the last year.

Pat used to drop her granddaughter off at martial Arts training several times a week and instead of sitting around waiting for her Pat would go out walking and would go out on her own no matter the weather. Pat said she really enjoyed the fresh air and started to notice how good she felt.
From this , Pat decided to do some charity walks and completed the following :
2017 - One Million Step Challenge for Diabetes UK
2018-1000 mile challenge
2019 - 500 mile challenge
Pat completed the Race for Life on Sunday 14th May and here she is with her medal. Pat said there was the option to do the 3km, 5km or 10km and she said I went for the 10km and loved it, she said the buzz at the finish line was indescribable. Pat is already talking about entering the race next year and encouraging some of the other walkers to join too!
Pat joined the Bums off seats walks a year ago mainly for the company and said the benefits have been great . She has said "I have made amazing friends, the social interaction is great and walking has helped me maintain a healthy weight".
So whether you are looking to get fitter, enjoy the outdoors more, improve your mental health, have a good natter, make new friends, volunteer or meet like- minded people Bums off Seats is for you. We have 16 Bums Off Seats Walks a week (12x daytime walks,  2x Nordic walks, and 2 evening walks a week which can be found here Walking | Active Fife - leisure hub)
If you require any further information please email


Walking on the Mend with Bums Off Seats- Leven Walker Story

I do not remember when I started walking with Bums Off Seats but, it has been a few years since I got my ten-year medal for attending the walks. I can recall vividly how it all started though. In my 50 and 60 years I had been in and out of hospital suffering heart problems, and after one particularly bad bout of pneumonia, my progress was slow and depressing. At this point, I was referred to the heart/stroke rehab group at Leven Swimming Pool. Being proud and previously active I didn't much like the 'tag' of being old and infirm and being shown how to do simple exercises, so one day I left the class and started walking along the prom. I didn't get far when I realised my stubborn streak left me leaning on the sea wall wishing I was back in class. However a group of walkers were passing and the leader asked if I was ok, "Oh yes, I am just out for a wee walk". Unknown to me I had been referred to Bums Off Seats and the leader knew who I was when I told her I was at the rehab group in the swimming pool, she encouraged me to walk a little bit further with them. I couldn't manage the whole length of the prom but, was happy with that progress and because they were all so friendly and helpful I promised that I would meet them again the following Tuesday. And that is how the story began...

I looked forward to the Tuesday walks along the prom, every Tuesday walking further and further till one day I realised I had walked the whole length, and eventually with the Leven Power Station and the swimming pool in view I could turn around and walk back.

Within a short amount of time, I advanced to the Monday Bums off Seats group's longer walks and consequently the Monday and Thursday.

This was a great way for me to get aerobic activity in and improve my heart health, so much so the doctors saw a big improvement and no repair surgery was required. All down to walking and the angel leader of prom walks called Terry. I will always be indebted to her encouragement and the group of friendly walkers.

The benefits of walking are huge, apart from the fitness aspect of strengthening the bones, muscles and building endurance, seeing country scenes and seascapes in all different seasons, and best of all the company. The Leven group of Bums Off Seats are diverse mix of men and women who are a welcoming and fun group who have helped me enormously walking on the mend.

Volunteer Week  3rd - 9th June