Community Use Booking Conditions


  1. Our Terms and Conditions are applicable to all hirers including internal departments, other services and partners, community groups, commercial organisations & private hirers.
  2. Fife Council is committed to Child & Adult Protection and observes the right to refuse lets on the grounds that the person hiring the premises and running the activity does not comply with the Council’s policy on this matter:
    1. A Child and Adult Protection Policy must be in place.
    2. Individuals hiring premises to carry out regulated work with children or protected adults are required to hold PVG Scheme Membership.
    3. Individuals who are hiring premises to run group sessions with the general adult population may require a Basic Disclosure.  These individuals are not eligible for PVG Scheme membership as they are not carrying out regulated work with children or protected adults.
    4. For individuals who are hiring halls to conduct activity sessions, the requirement to hold the necessary PVG/Disclosure is their personal responsibility.
    5. Please check with the relevant governing, awarding, or regulating body of your activity for the current requirements related to PVG/Disclosure requirements.

    More information can be found at

  3. The use of camera, video, or other equipment with the capability of capturing images or recordings is not permitted without prior arrangement with venue management. Consent forms authorising approval to capture images or record video will be provided and must be completed.
  4. It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that leaders/coaches possess qualifications that are appropriate for the level of activity detailed on the booking application. Fife Council staff may ask to see evidence of appropriate documentation at any time.
  5. Fife Council is committed to promoting equality of opportunity regardless of protected characteristic (as defined in the Equality Act 2010):  Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage & Civil Partnership, Pregnancy & Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex and Sexual orientation.  Bookings are accepted on the understanding that user groups/hirers will not directly or indirectly discriminate against all or any of the protected characteristics.
  6. Fife Council is required by legislation to ensure that publicly owned venues such as halls and centres do not provide a platform for extremists and are not used for extremist groups to meet. To support this requirement, identification (drivers’ licence or passport) is now required by the person making the venue booking.  If you have any concerns about extremism, terrorism or radicalisation you can email the Fife Council Prevent team on or visit the Fife Council Intranet Site Counter Terrorism and Your Safety for further information.   Wherever there may be an immediate threat of action or risk of harm, dial 999 and ask for the Police. For further information on how we process your personal data, visit
  7. Charges and Terms & Conditions may be subject to variation at the decision of Fife Council. Price increases are likely to be introduced on 1 April each year; they will apply to any previously booked/granted hires which have not yet been completed. In the case of serial lets, the new charges will apply to any part of the let not undertaken at the time of the introduction of the new charges.
  8. The group/hirer is responsible for the facilities/building being hired throughout the time agreed in the booking form; this includes the contents, furnishings, and structure. The group/hirer must return the facilities/building in an acceptable condition and reasonable level of cleanliness. Failure to meet this requirement may result in further charges or any subsequent bookings being cancelled as a result. A copy of the Council’s Management Rules for premises are clearly displayed in the building; copies are available on request.
  9. Smoking is prohibited in all Fife Council grounds and premises, or facilities provided for community use by members of the public. It will be the responsibility of the person who signed the let to ensure compliance with the legislation.
  10. All refuse must be placed in bins provided. Excess refuse remains the group/hirer’s responsibility and must be disposed of at an appropriate Fife Council recycling centre.
  11. Any Council Officer may enter your event/booking at any time in the course of his/her duty. You must comply with any instructions given by Council Officers.
  12. Our building(s) may remain open to members of the public during your hire period. Exclusive use of the premises may be arranged; additional charges may apply.
  13. From time to time we may need to close venues due to severe weather, other “acts of god events”, natural disasters, terrorism, strikes, and other situations out with our control. In these instances, we will make every effort to contact user groups, participants or hirers by email, telephone and through announcements on our social media pages and Fife Council website.
  14. Fife Council reserves the right to refuse the user group/hirer the right to display saleable items which are already available for purchase within the facility e.g., Vending Machines & Cafes etc.
  15. User groups/hirers making use of our premises must accept full responsibility for any accidents, injury, or damage to any person as a result of the activity by them or which may occur as a result of their use of the premises. All user groups/hirers must have at least £5,000,000 public liability insurance cover in place to meet this responsibility and shall produce relevant insurance certificate to the Council on request.
  16. Fife Council cannot accept responsibility for any loss of possessions, loss or damage to equipment or material, or for personal injury unless negligence by the Council can be established. User groups are responsible for ensuring that personal possessions are adequately insured, and an up-to-date inventory is maintained.
  17. No lets will be granted for any period after 1.00am (in line with public entertainment license permissions) unless written permission has been received from Head of Service, Communities & Neighbourhoods, or their nominated Officer.
  18. The use of indoor pyrotechnics, confetti, or smoke, bubble or foam machines is not permitted within Community Use facilities.
  19. All property, equipment, unused supplies, or unsold goods must be removed from premises immediately after the hire.
  20. If you intend to utilise copyright protected materials, Performing Rights Society / Phonographic Performances Ltd fees may be applicable to your booking The Council will recover all charges from you on behalf of the Performing Rights Society/Phonographic Performances Ltd, where relevant.
  21. For further information related to planning an event at one of our venues, please speak with the team based at the venue in the first instance, and visit the following link for further advice and guidance Planning an event | Fife Council. Please note the indicative timescales via the link for event planning notice periods.
  22. Licenced and unlicensed events (Bring Your Own Bottle – BYOB) whereby alcohol will be available on the premises, require a minimum of 8 weeks advance notice of the event date. A licensed event requires the licensee to apply for the relevant licence for the purposes of the event. You will need to produce the licence to the duty member/s of staff as requested.
  23. For further detailed information – please see the BYOB procedure / Licenced functions in School premises or Community Centres documents.
  24. Fife Council complaints procedure has two stages. Stage 1 Frontline Resolution – please raise the complaint with the venue staff in the first instance. In the event of the complaint remaining unresolved from the Stage 1 process, Stage 2 Investigation is the next phase. For further details in relation to the complaint's procedure, please visit Complaints procedure | Fife Council

Health and Safety

  1. It is the responsibility of the user group/hirer to ensure suitable clothing and footwear is worn by participants for specific activities.
  2. User groups must familiarise themselves with the Emergency Evacuation Procedure for the venue. In the event of any emergency, user groups/hirers must adhere to the instructions of Council Staff and the emergency services in attendance.
  3. The user group/hirer is responsible for ensuring all participants, including those with mobility difficulties can quickly and safely leave the facility in the event of an emergency. User groups/hirers must provide copies of Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) or Group Emergency Evacuation Plans (GEEPs) for inclusion in the facility Fire Safety Folder.
  4. The number of participants attending must not exceed the maximum occupancy level of the facility or building in use.
  5. User groups/hirers are responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient helpers, leaders, or officials on duty to safely control an activity. Venue ratios for specific facilities/activities must be strictly adhered to. Failure to comply will be considered a breach of Health & Safety. Maximum number permitted for specific facilities will be notified to user groups/hirers at the time of booking.
  6. It is the user group/hirer’s responsibility to ensure an attendance register is in place during the period of the hire. Where attendance registers are not practical a member of council staff or a delegated responsible person will monitor attendance numbers. Fife Council reserve the right to restrict entry to a facility or building where occupancy levels have been reached.
  7. All portable electrical equipment brought into and used in our premises must be Portable Appliance Tested (PAT). Any damage or injury caused by poorly maintained equipment will be the responsibility of the user group/hirer. We reserve the right to request proof of testing, for example, to see testing records.
  8. Bookings involving the use of inflatable play equipment e.g., Bouncy Castles, must be submitted at least 21 days prior to the event. An Inflatable Play Equipment Application Form along with associated documentation must be included with the facility booking form. Without a completed Inflatable Play Equipment Application Form & associated documentation your booking request will not be progressed for approval.
  9. It is the user group/hirer’s responsibility to ensure all risks associated with the planned activity are minimised and suitably risk assessed. We may ask for a copy of your risk assessment for our records. Fife Council reserve the right to terminate any activity deemed unsafe or in breach of Health & Safety regulations, in such circumstances no refund will be offered.
  10. In the event of an accident within the premises the user group/hirer (or nominated lead) must report the accident immediately to a member of Fife Council staff. An accident form will be provided which is to be completed and returned within the specified time.
  11. All passageways and exits must always be kept clear. Fire doors must not be held open unless automatic releases are fitted. External doors and fire exits must be kept unlocked during occupancy.
  12. Fife Council reserve the right to refuse set-up of apparatus, objects, or equipment on the grounds of Health & Safety.
  13. The use of candles is prohibited in all Council premises.
  14. Members of the public and/or children are not permitted in any kitchens within Community Use premises on the grounds of Health & Safety, except where the kitchen is being used for training purposes and appropriate risk assessments have been carried out and where adequate supervision is provided by a qualified/competent person.
  15. Bookings of the following nature: Funfairs, Traders - Food, Live/Amplified Music, Trader Stalls and Community Fundraising Stalls may require a licence e.g., Public Entertainment Licence and/or Market Operators Licence. For licence queries, contact:
  16. Fife Council is not responsible for providing first aid or first aid equipment for your club’s/group’s participants. It is your responsibility to provide access to adequate first aid resources, telephone and a qualified first aider at all times. Some venues may have Defibrillators on-site, please check in advance with the venue.

Booking Procedures

  1. The user group/hirer is responsible for ensuring the facilities or building being hired are suitable for your needs. The group/hirer must inform venue staff 14 days prior to the hire with details of any set-up requirements, a facility set-up form will be provided. For regular user groups/hirers with a standing set-up, you must notify us at least 48 hours prior to change requirements.
  2. The user group/hirer must only use the facilities agreed and for the purpose stated in the booking form, sub-letting is not permitted.
  3. Large, One Off or Out of Core hours bookings must be confirmed within four weeks of your provisional booking, otherwise the provisional booking will be cancelled without notification. Four weeks’ cancelation notice is required for this type of booking.
  4. Block bookings, the group/hirer must confirm any provisional booking within 7 days of the initial enquiry otherwise the provisional booking will be cancelled without notification. 7 days cancellation notice must be provided for any session cancellation for this type of booking.
  5. Casual bookings must be paid in full at the time of booking. 24 hours cancellation notice is required for this type of booking.
  6. Organisations wishing to submit booking applications in advance are invited to submit these applications 6 months prior to the hire, if an organisation or group wish to book further in advance this is at the discretion of management of the venue being booked.
  7. Fife Council is not liable for any loss of revenue or other loses the group/hirer may incur through any cancellation. Events or activities must not be advertised or promoted until the booking has been confirmed and the hirer is in receipt of the booking confirmation.
  8. If the user group/hirer fails to attend on the stated day and time specified on the booking form, the let will be charged at the full rate. Such failure to attend may result in the review of further or existing lets for the organisation, group, or hirer.
  9. Booking times must be strictly adhered to. Where use extends beyond the end of the let, an additional charge at the appropriate rate will be made. User groups/hirers must include set-up and recovery times within their booking request. Set-up & recovery times are chargeable at the agreed rate. Where bookings run concurrently within an activity space, there may be preparation time within your booking time.
  10. All booking payments must be made in full at the venue prior to the booking commencement.
  11. Invoicing is only available by prior arrangement to clubs, groups, and organisations. Outstanding unpaid Council invoices may result in the suspension of future bookings until the balance is paid in full.
  12. Council departments requesting provision require to pay at the time of booking. Payments can be made via purchasing cards at a local venue with chip and pin availability.
  13. Out of core operational hours bookings may accrue additional charges for staffing, cleaning, utilities, resources based on the requirements of the booking.
  14. A series of lets of sports facilities can be treated as EXEMPT from VAT if ALL the conditions listed below are met:
    1. The series consists of 10 or more sessions.
    2. Proof of constitution & latest meeting minutes is provided.
    3. Each session is for the same sport or activity.
    4. Each session is in the same place.
    5. The letting is to a school, club, or association.
    6. The interval between each session is at least a day, and not more than 14 days.
    7. The series is booked in advance, with written evidence to that effect. Whether these conditions are met should be known at the time of booking, and it is then vital that the correct VAT liability is applied.
    8. If all conditions are met, the transaction is EXEMPT from VAT, and no VAT should be applied. If all conditions are not met, the transaction is STANDARD-RATE, and VAT should be charged.
  15. If you need to cancel your booking you must give the Council the relevant notice, otherwise you will have to pay in full.
  16. The Council reserve the right to cancel any group, organisation or individual making regular use of the facilities to make way for any booking that the Council deems necessary, annual event, use of the venue in emergency circumstances, Civic events etc. In such an event you will be offered a full refund, or no charge will be made. Council staff reserve the right to terminate any activity where they consider the situation is unsafe and/or in breach of the conditions of let. The Council will not be liable for any loss.

Community Use Classes and Activities

  1. All Community Use led classes & activities are booked and paid in advance, in block payments of no less than 4-weeks. Your venue will notify you when payments are due. Failure to attend without payment may result in the participant(s) being unenrolled from the class or activity without notice.
  2. Please notify the relevant Centre directly in the event of absence from a class or course. The block payment will ensure that your place on the course or class is retained in the event of unforeseen or scheduled absence. Refunds will not be offered in the event of non-attendance.
  3. Please notify the relevant Centre directly if you wish to cancel your place on a class. Payments will still be due until place is cancelled.
  4. Where the Centre requires to cancel a class or course due to facility closure or Instructor / Tutor absence, learners will receive a credit for the session/s missed.
  5. Where the Centre requires to permanently cancel a class or course, a refund of the course balance will be made accordingly.
  6. We operate a concession scheme which offers discounts of up to 50% off, further information and eligibility criteria can be found at
  7. In some instances, we may operate a waiting list for our more popular classes and activities, your venue will inform you when a space becomes available.
  8. It is the responsibility of the participant (or their parent/guardian) to ensure all contact details, including emergency contact information held by Community Use is accurate and up-to-date.
  9. We may capture images and video footage of participants, activities and work undertaken within the classes and courses for use with publicity materials, social media platforms and our website. Please let us know if you do not give consent.
  10. Some courses and classes may require pre-requisite criteria to be met prior to commencement. This will be outlined at the time of enrolment.

Community Use Fife
Fife House
North Street