
This Privacy Notice explains how we use the information that we collect about you.

Fife Council Children and Families Service uses the personal information provided by you for the purpose of planning and delivering Children and Families services in Fife.

The information will also be used to communicate, in emergency situations and to pass on other relevant advice. Additionally the Service will also collect data for statistical purposes, this however will be anonymised.

We also collect information about you when we are required by Law to provide information that enables us to carry out our statutory responsibilities. We sometimes use your information to process an enquiry or complaint about the policies or decisions of the Children and Families Service.

The personal information we gather and use about you includes:

  • Contact (Name, address, email, phone)
  • Age/DOB
  • Health/Disability
  • Racial or Ethnic Origin
  • Identifiers - for example reference numbers used in data collection systems to identify you.
  • Information about other members of your household.
  • Details of family relationships in and outside of your household.
  • The names and contact details of your close relatives and / or carers.
  • Details of your legal status and documents (e.g. immigration, power of attorney etc.)
  • Details about your accommodation (type, layout, details of alarms fitted, accessibility etc.)
  • Details about your needs in all areas of your life (e.g. personal care, eating and drinking, practical tasks, physical and emotional well-being, parenting)
  • Details of any communication needs (e.g. if you need an interpreter or a translator).
  • Any cultural, spiritual or religious beliefs where we need to take these into account when providing support.
  • Your medical history and details of any diagnoses.
  • Details of the health, social care or other services you are receiving.
  • Details of the goals you wish to achieve relating to your social care needs.
  • Information about the support provided by any carers or other agencies.
  • Details of any risks.
  • Information about your situation given to us by your family and / or carers.
  • Things that other organisations (such as health or other care services) tell us to help us understand your situation and needs, and to co-ordinate your care services more effectively.
  • Reports relating to your situation and the care you are receiving.
  • Any documents sent to us relating to you.
  • Marital Status

Where necessary, we will share personal information that we hold with our partner agencies including Police Scotland, NHS Fife, Education Service and other Fife Council services; along with third-sector agencies from whom we may at times commission services.

Other organisations may, on occasion, request information that we hold, for example Government agencies.

We may also share your information to support related legislative and regulatory requirements such as accident reporting, complaints, audits and inspections, investigations and hearings, or the prevention and detection of crime.

As part of the strategic planning process we receive information from our partner agencies. This can include performance reports, financial and budget information, details of consultations and engagement activities, and national developments such as programmes designed to assist children and their families or for research purposes. Primarily this is statistical or anonymised information. However sometimes, where it is necessary, personal information is also shared. For example case studies may be included in reports and used as learning and improvement opportunities.

We will always ask for your consent before we include personal information about you in a case study or personal story.

If you make a complaint to the Children and Families Service, for example in relation to the service that you have received, or because you are dissatisfied with the services provided, some personal information, where relevant, may also be shared within the Children and Families Service.

We are obliged in terms of the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 to prepare a Young Carer Statement if a young carer requests a statement or accepts the offer to prepare a statement. Information included within the statement will be used to identify personal outcomes; identify any needs and to provide the support necessary to meet those needs. It is inevitable that this will include information about other individuals, such as the person being cared for. In order to provide the necessary support, this information may be shared with other Council Services and other organisations such as NHS Fife.

In the event that we did not obtain and use this information then it would not be possible to carry out our statutory functions/public tasks and provide a service to Children and Families in Fife.

The Council will not keep your information for longer than is necessary. In some instances the law sets the length of time information has to be kept. The Council has a retention schedule which sets out how long we hold different types of information. The retention schedule can be found on our Privacy policy page.

Further information on how your information is used and why can be found at The Council's Data Protection Officer can be contacted at: