
The City of Dunfermline Area Committee met this morning (18 June 2024). Here's a summary of the discussion and decisions.

New Coat of Arms and Freedom of the City

Dunfermline is set to celebrate its first Freedom of the City award with a civic reception on 28 August 2024, to be held in The Glen Pavilion.

The Area Committee has also started the process for the city to adopt a new Coat of Arms. Currently, Dunfermline does not have its own Coat of Arms, as the previous one was transferred to the Community Council after the dissolution of Dunfermline District Council.

The Office of the Lord Lyon suggested using the old Burgh shield as a starting point, with modifications to make it unique to Dunfermline. This includes crowning the two lions within the shield and adding a lion and unicorn as supports, linking it to Fife.

The event will also honour Dunfermline’s Peacocks with the Freedom of the City award.

Today, Area Committee approved commissioning the new Coat of Arms design and funding the associated costs. Cllr James Calder, Area Convener for the City of Dunfermline Area Committee said: “It's exciting to see both the award of the Freedom of the City and our new City coat of arms taking place on the back of our gaining city status.

"The civic reception on 28 August will be a great celebration for Dunfermline - marking the significance of the peacocks and unveiling the City’s new Coat of Arms.”

More information on the civic reception will follow in the next few weeks.

The City Plan update

Since becoming a City in May 2022, Fife Council and partners have been working diligently to shape the future of Dunfermline.

The latest milestone is the adoption of a comprehensive Framework for the City Plan, approved by the City of Dunfermline Area Committee. This plan focuses on creating a multi-disciplinary, collaborative approach to city operations, development, and service delivery. Key priorities include:

  • Building strong and resilient communities
  • Enhancing the city as a great place to live, work, and visit.
  • Promoting and supporting wellbeing

A new City Alliance has also been established, comprising leaders from various sectors such as business, health, education, and culture. This group will work closely with Fife Council to shape a clear vision for Dunfermline's future, aiming to raise the city’s profile and attract investment.

Moreover, Dunfermline is exploring smart city initiatives and community engagement through a potential Citizen’s Assembly.

Cllr James Calder, welcomed the update and said: “With these dynamic initiatives and close partnership working, Dunfermline is set to flourish, ensuring a bright and sustainable future for its residents and visitors alike.”

Budget Requests

Local Community Planning Budget

The following projects have been awarded funding from the Local Community Planning Budget.

Floral Enhancements - £10,585

Funding to maintain the floral enhancements, which will improve civic pride and the City Centre appearance.

Community Councils - £50,000

Providing this fund to community councils grants them decision making power over how funds are allocated and used in their community.

To request funding, each community council must submit a business case, setting out their fully costed proposals.

Scobie Park renovations - £10,000

Supporting the local groups efforts in raising £120,000 to upgrade the local playpark at Scobie Place.

Cllr Calder stated: “Encouraging civic pride and supporting our communities to address their needs is key to Dunfermline's growth and success!”

Community Recovery Fund

The Area Committee agreed to £79,000 coming from the Community Recovery Fund for the following projects:

Holiday Activity Chest Fund - £20,000

This fund will allow all Dunfermline based groups and organisations to apply for funds to support the delivery of holiday activities across the City.

High Street improvements - £20,000

Several small-scale improvements have been identified along the High Street, such as replacing benches and repainting railings.

Tenants and Residents Associations (TRA) support - £9,000

The funding will allow each TRA to use up to £1,000 each making improvements to local areas.

Abbeyview Participatory Budget - £30,000

A refreshed Abbeyview Place Plan will be developed, which will involve a consultation on local improvements to the area.

Cllr Calder explained about the Community Recovery Fund: “This fund gives us a great opportunity to invest in projects, community groups and organisations that will help Dunfermline continue to recover from the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis.
“We want to build on the great things already happening in our area, making sure our new city becomes a thriving place, where there are opportunities for everyone.”

Traffic Regulation Orders

Cycle Lane on Aberdour Road, Dunfermline

Area Committee agreed to introducing a mandatory two-way cycle lane on the southside of Aberdour Road and the promotion of a Road Hump Order to introduce traffic calming measures as well.

Last October, the Area Committee requested more community engagement with residents before a decision was reached. Stantec, an independent engineering consultancy, lead the public engagement during February and March 2024, which informed the report presented to Councillors today.