Over the summer, we’ll invest £650,000 improving the road network in Dunfermline City Centre.
We’ll be carrying out carriageway resurfacing and signal upgrades at Elgin Street and Moodie Street crossroads, as well as adding signals to Bothwell Gardens roundabout.
Work will start on Monday, 17 June and will last for approximately 16 weeks. Bothwell Gardens Roundabout will be carried out in three phases, with a road closure on Woodmill Street during phase one (see map for diversion route). To manage the traffic flow, we’ll be using 4-way temporary traffic lights, which will be manually controlled during peak events. Elgin Street and Moodie Street crossroads will be controlled with 4-way traffic management also.
Cllr Altany Craik, Roads Spokesperson said: “We maintain over 2,400km of roads in Fife and we’re spending millions each year repairing and improving them.
“Our road network is vital to support economic development, inward investment, tourism, leisure and travel to work. Almost everyone in Fife uses our roads daily, which is why this type of maintenance work is so essential.”
We’ll maintain access for emergency services, businesses and residents. Also, we'll maintain access to Dunfermline Train Station car park and Bothwell Street car park.
Bus services will be affected during these works. For more information contact Stagecoach on (01592) 645680 or visit www.stagecoachbus.com
Cllr Craik concluded: “Roadworks in Dunfermline city centre will cause delays - please give yourself extra journey time. We apologise for any inconvenience; your patience is greatly appreciated.”