
Picture of the animated mouse that appears in the videoWe are asking road users to help slash the level of litter that ends up at the side of Fife’s roads.

As part of the #Don’tRubbishFife Campaign we are sharing the views of some of the people of Fife in this creative video.

Roadside litter is harmful to wildlife and the local environment. It is unsightly and a blight on the beautiful landscapes of Fife. Save your rubbish for the bin. Clearing the rubbish from Scotland’s roads cost millions every year.

Councillor Jan Wincott, spokesperson for Environment & Climate Change, said “Our roadside litter comes from a few thoughtless individuals that have no consideration for where it will end up or what damage it might do. Litter is a preventable scourge that ruins the landscape for locals and visitors.

“Verge cleaning is a costly yet preventable expense. It takes money away from more productive work that the Fife Council teams could be carrying out. Let’s be proud of where we live. You’re your rubbish in the vehicle until it can be disposed of responsibly.

"Please Don’t Rubbish Fife.“
