
car driving through a flooded road

Many areas across Fife have experienced severe flooding over recent years, including Cairneyhill.

To help develop our response to flooding in the local area Fife Council would like to hear from locals.  A public meeting will take place on Tuesday 17 January 2023 in Cairneyhill Primary School , Northbank Road, between 4pm and 6pm.

Councillor Jan Wincott, Fife Council’s spokesperson for Environment and Climate Change, said: “The devastation and disruption caused by flooding has a huge impact. As we’ve experienced, flooding can cause damage to roads, structures, private properties and council buildings, as well as disruption to services.

“Climate change is here to stay and the impacts of storm events like we had in August 2020 highlight the importance of regular, proactive maintenance and developing plans to lessen the impact on areas at risk.

“Working with communities and partners to build resilience and improve how we prepare for these events in the future is key. I would encourage people to come along to our public meeting and share their views with us so that we can continue to develop how we can prevent and minimise the impact flooding has.”