
Benarty Bells enclosure at Lochore Meadows

Fife Council apprentices have created a new enclosure, giving ‘Benarty Bells’ pride of place at the entrance to Lochore Meadows Country park.

The unveiling of the long awaited ‘Benarty Bells’ enclosure took place on Thursday (27 July) and was welcomed by the Bells Project Group, local Councillors, the Heritage Group, Community Council and members of the local community.

Historically, the bells originated from Lochcraig Parish Church and St. Kenneth’s Roman Catholic Church and were gifted to the local community when the buildings were knocked down. For many years, great efforts have been made to raise funding for a monument and secure a site to display the bells. The location of the enclosure, at the entrance to Lochore Meadows, was found to be the perfect spot as both churches were situated a few hundred yards from where the bells are now on display.

Councillor Alex Campbell, Convener of Cowdenbeath Area Committee is delighted that the bell enclosure is now complete.  He said: “I’d like to thank our apprentices for taking pride in this project and completing the enclosure to the high standard that these bells deserve.”

“Both churches formed a key role in the local community and this enclosure will allow church members see their places of worship commemorated and have the opportunity to reflect on an important part of history.”

Completion of the new enclosure was warmly welcomed by members of the Bells Project Group who said: ”It has been a long time since this project was started and we have been through a rollercoaster of emotions wondering if this day would ever come. However, we never gave up and are delighted with the results we see here today.”

Extensive research was carried out to gather historical information and this has been used to create an interpretation panel, placed next to the enclosure, giving locals and tourist more insight into the story of the ‘Benarty Bells’.