
Lochore Meadows country park

Work on a new destination play park for Lochore Meadows Country Park could begin later this year now that councillors have discussed feedback from the park’s community consultation events and agreed on the next steps.

The playpark design proposals were favourably received but there was also significant concern about its suggestion to relocate it to the west end of the park’s events space with many members of the public and stakeholder groups believing it would detrimentally impact on the events space.

This feedback helped to shape a new compromised position being suggested to the Cowdenbeath Area Committee as one of the four options tabled before members.

Convener of the Committee, Cllr Alex Campbell said: “I’m hugely appreciative that so many people made the time to share their thoughts, not only on the proposals but their wider experiences and ideas for the park. This will go a long way towards informing a new development plan for Lochore Meadows.

“But perhaps most importantly, it means that we can now get on and deliver the new playpark that visiting children and young people deserve. Situating the new play park between the events space and existing play park is a reasonable compromise and I’d like to stress that the team is committed to work with the community and local groups to support the delivery of events."

Revised designs for the new playpark will be shared with the local community in the coming months, ensuring any ongoing concerns around impacting on the events space are fully addressed and the community remain informed.

You can access the full committee papers here Cowdenbeath Area Committee papers - 1 February 2023.