
Kids welcome Pitlessie park upgrade

Cults Community Council have successfully raised the funds required to begin a long-awaited upgrade to the play equipment to their local park in Pitlessie, near Cupar, with work due to start this week.

The work was required to remove old equipment which had become unsafe, and to provide some facilities which offered greater accessibility for those with mobility issues. The Community Council has organised a series of events over a number of years, including a very popular village Duck Race, in order to raise the funds required. The project has also secured £30k funding from Fife Council as well as £30k from the Scottish Government and £50k from the Fife Environmental Trust (FET).

John Lamond, Chair of Cults Community Council, says “We are delighted to see the start of work in our park to replace the outdated equipment. It has been a long process, made worse by the pandemic, for us to raise the funds through grant applications and events within our community but we are excited to know that the end is in sight!”

The land for the park was donated to the community by local farming family, The Smiths, to ensure that a communal green space was available for all in perpetuity. The upgrade to the play equipment is planned to be the first stage of a wider re-development of the park area, with the hope that further funding can be raised which will allow for new paths, seating and landscaping to be installed.

Mr Lamond continued: “The support we have received from residents and local businesses in raising this money has been fantastic and we hope that the new equipment will enable our children and young people, as well as visitors to Pitlessie, the opportunity to play and enjoy our beautiful surroundings for many years to come.”

Councillor Jonny Tepp, Convenor of the North East Fife Area Committee said: "It’s fantastic to see work finally starting on the playpark. The community council and locals have worked really hard to make this project happen, raising around £4,000 towards the refurbishment and I’m delighted we’ve also been able support this project by giving £30,000 from the area budget towards it.

“The playpark is a tremendous asset for the community and important for the health and wellbeing of our children and young people. I’m sure the children of Pitlessie, and visitors, will have many happy memories of good times playing here.”