
This is some of the news from the Area Committee on 22 March 2022

Graphic showing the Abbeyview proposal

Development of an Abbeyview Community Hub 

Abbeyview Tryst Centre which opened in 1968 will soon be demolished to make way for the creation of a more integrated Community Hub.

Funding of £6.5m had previously been set aside for this project but estimated costs for the development identified a shortfall of £1m. Today, the City of Dunfermline Area Committee endorsed the additional funding necessary to create the newer, more efficient community building space.

This much needed facility, in the heart of Abbeyview, will see the former Local Office building being repurposed and extended to incorporate a range of services within a state of the art integrated facility:

  • A reception area with dedicated interview space.
  • A large multi purpose activity space with linking fold doors to allow access to additional community space. A community function space to replace the existing community centre.
  • Teaching Kitchen to help teach food resilience by creating simple, fresh meals with affordable ingredients.
  • A dedicated IT Suite which will allow teaching and confidence building in digital skills.
  • Community space, with kitchen for use by community groups
  • Several smaller general use spaces.
  • Plenty of storage for centre users and groups.
  • Installation of a separate security entrance for After School Club with adaptions to better meet the needs and activities of the group.
  • A secure garden and play area associated with the Community Space.
  • New landscaping with space for community planting.

Councillor Helen Law, Convener of the City of Dunfermline Area Committee, said "We're delighted to endorse this additional funding. It will now allow this important development to move forward. By integrating the complimentary services and activities into one building we'll help to retain a community identity within Abbeyview.

"The new space will allow for provision of adult education opportunities, address community food resilience and enhance mental and physical wellbeing provision. It will offer necessary, flexible childcare opportunities for the community in and around the Abbeyview Area."

Tree Planting in Duloch Park

Funding of £11,700 has been agreed by the committee toward a major tree planting scheme in Duloch Park. Match funding will now be sought from Scottish Forestry.

The 2 hectare area, to the north east of the park, is currently rough ground with some existing trees. If all the funding is sourced, the area will be planted with almost 6000 trees and surrounded by a deer fence and gates. This deer fencing will not only protect the new planting but any existing saplings.

Councillor Helen Law, Convener of the City of Dunfermline Area Committee, said “This tree planting will expand Calaismuir Wood and integrate it to the park. It’ll not only provide a therapeutic outdoor space for the community, maximising the green space, but it will offer a wider habitat for local wildlife.

“Tree planting is one of the keys to better air quality and climate improvement.”

Touch Regeneration Project

As part of the Touch regeneration project, £10,000 of funding has been agreed to help build the community within Touch.

There are already ongoing plans to improve some of the flats in the area, improve the community garden and introduce more tree plant. Building on these place-based improvements, this funding would allow local groups to apply for funding, up to £250, which they can use towards necessary group materials, venue hire etc.

Part of the project will be to recruit people within Touch to become Community Connectors. These would be people willing to spread the word. Share news and information across the area, with friends and neighbours. They would engage with individuals who may face barriers preventing them from participating.

This funding will enable groups to develop plans that might otherwise be limited by money.

Full papers, minutes and agenda for this committee are available online by clicking here.