
Fife Council’s Co-Leaders David Alexander and David Ross have today joined voices across the world in their condemnation of the invasion of Ukraine and have pledged to explore ways the council can support people there who are suffering.

“Our thoughts are with all those who are affected by this crisis. There are a number of national fundraising efforts underway through the Red Cross and other charities, and here in Fife people are already giving generously to local charity efforts. We will work together with partners in Fife Voluntary Action to help co-ordinate the local community response and the generosity shown by Fifers.

“We will also prepare for and support any future scheme to help provide refuge and sanctuary for Ukrainian people who have fled their homes during this crisis. We are committed to helping in any way we can.

“Fife has a local connection with Ukraine as Newport is twinned with Zolotarevo in the country and we will explore any support we can also provide via this route.

“Councillors meeting in our Policy and Co-ordination Committee on Thursday will discuss Fife’s response and any further action we can take to help during this fast-moving international crisis.”

Convener of the council's Community and Housing service sub-committee Cllr Judy Hamilton added that Fife "stood ready" to help provide safe sanctuary to people who have had to leave their homes as a result of the invasion.
"In Fife, we have a long tradition and proud history of welcoming refugees into our communities. The Home Office must now act swiftly to remove barriers and Visa requirements to refugees and allow safe passage to the UK. We stand ready to receive and welcome Ukrainian refugees."