
At today’s Policy & Coordination Committee (3 March), members agreed that Fife Council will write to the UK Government, Russian Ambassador and United Nations to condemn, in the strongest possible terms, actions being taken against Ukraine.

Co-Leader, Cllr David Ross said: “We’ve all watched the news with the utmost horror, witnessing this unfolding humanitarian crisis.

“Our thoughts are first and foremost with the people of Ukraine – those fighting for their home, those fleeing, and those living around the world, including here in Fife. But this is not just an attack on Ukraine, it’s an attack on democracy everywhere, and on the principles and values we hold as a council.

“So, while it may only be symbolic, it’s important we add the council’s voice to those around the world calling for an immediate halt to these attacks and withdrawal from Ukraine.”

Co-leader, Cllr David Alexander said other steps have been taken in recent days to confirm the council’s position. “We’ve reviewed our investments, contracts and procurement activities to make sure none are with Russian-related holdings,” he said.

“The council doesn’t manage the Fife Pension Fund, but an initial review indicates it’s unlikely it has any direct exposure to Russian equities or stock and further review is underway.

“We've also agreed to fly the Ukrainian flag from our main council building as a mark of solidarity with its citizens. We’ll also seek to fly the flag in Newport-on-Tay which is twinned with Zolotarevo.

“An outpouring of support continues from communities around Fife - check the Fife Voluntary Action website for details of community collections and donation points. The council’s website will also link to this information, as well as national fundraising campaigns and Government advice.”

Convener of the council's Community and Housing service sub-committee, Cllr Judy Hamilton said: “As we said last week, we’re ready to coordinate any resettlement and sanctuary required within Fife as part of the national efforts to support Ukrainian refugees. We know many people want to help. We’re seeking urgent discussions with the Home Office about this and we’ll keep Fife’s communities informed about anything they can do to contribute.”

A motion has been lodged for discussion by the full membership of Fife Council at its meeting on Thursday 10 March.