
Today (Wednesday 18 August) is the first day back for pupils across Fife, but it’s extra special for the young people in St Andrews and surrounding areas. They have finally stepped into their new and long-awaited school.

The new Madras College is welcoming S4, 5 & 6 pupils from today as well as DAS pupils. S1 will start on Thursday with S2 & S3 joining on Friday.

Work on the new Madras College began in July 2019, and it is the sixth secondary school to be built over the last 10 years as part of the £250m+ Building Fife’s Future Programme.

Councillor Craig Walker, Convener of Fife’s Education and Children’s Services Sub-Committee, said: “This is quite a momentous day. We’ve been working hard to bring a new secondary school to St Andrews and the surrounding areas for some time. A tremendous amount of work has gone into making this possible and I’m delighted that the pupils now have a state-of-the-art building to learn in."

It’s not only the building that’s new either. Today is also the first day for new Rector, Ken Currie. Ken, was a Depute Head teacher at Balwearie High School in Kirkcaldy before taking up his current post. He joins Madras with a wealth of experience."

Ken is delighted to be taking up the headship at such a special time in the community. He said: “The new Madras College building is helping us to give our children the best education. It’s an exciting environment to work in, for all of us and will bring together all young people for the first time in one building. The building itself is inspiring and innovative but above all functional and all on one campus which means we can get on with our jobs knowing that we have everything we need to help us to do that. At the school we are determined to deliver excellence and equity for the learners in our community."

Take a virtual tour around some of the new school.