
Businesses across Fife are being supported through the coronavirus crisis.

Fife Council is to make its first payments to businesses in receipt of Small Business Bonus Relief, Rural Relief and those eligible firms in the hospitality, retail and leisure sectors, under the Scottish Government Business Support Fund, with almost £8 million of support to be paid from next week.

Cllr David Ross, Fife Council Co-Leader, commented: 'So far, we have processed almost 700 eligible grant claims for payment under this Scottish Government scheme and we continue to work at pace to make sure payments to provide vital support get to Fife companies.

"Firms can help us by making sure they complete and include all information on the form to help us make speedy payments. This Business Support Fund is one of a number of measures we have introduced to help companies continue to manage their cashflow at this very challenging time for the Fife economy. I would like to recognise the work of elected members and officials in their hard work to provide this support."

Co-Leader Cllr David Alexander added: "We recognise the work Fife's businesses are doing during this pandemic, from donating and working with their local communities, to turning their business skills to support the national COVID-19 response. We will continue to work with our business community, from small firms to global companies, to help wherever we can to support these firms, their workers and our communities. I would urge businesses to visit Fife Council's website for sources of support, guidance and information, or contact the national business support helpline on 0300 303 0660.