
AS ADVICE continues to be stay safe at home, Fife Council is supporting people across the Kingdom for whom home is not a safe place to be.

domestic abuse support

Working closely with Fife Women's Aid, the council has agreed to provide the charity with a further six places of refuge to offer the safety and support that women and children living with domestic abuse need, particularly during this period of lock down. This brings the total number of refuges in Fife to 41.

Convener of the council's Community and Housing Services Committee, Cllr Judy Hamilton explained: "Covid-19 presents particular challenges for people and families living with domestic abuse. While the advice is to stay at home to protect ourselves from the Covid-19 virus, some people are experiencing isolation. Social distancing can exacerbate experiences of domestic abuse, affecting families in unsafe situations with limited access to vital support and escape.

"We're working with Women's Aid as we recognise the particular risks of lock down for those living with domestic abuse."

Lynda Carey, Operational Lead, Fife Women’s Aid (FWA) explained that the number of calls to their helpline have increased over the coronavirus crisis with women asking for refuge accommodation to escape abuse: "Partners and the wider community have been really supportive in terms of resources, fundraising and offers of help."

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