
A pop-up engagement shop has been set up to encourage residents and visitors to drop in and chat with council staff about the town centre’s development projects.

Based in the Kirkcaldy Centre, formerly The Postings, the shop will be manned by staff from the council’s Transportation and Town Centre Development teams for the next two weeks.

Convener of the Kirkcaldy Area Committee, Cllr Neil Crooks, explained: “There’s a lot going on to help regenerate Kirkcaldy town centre and we want to encourage residents and shoppers to stop and chat with us about what’s happening, what’s planned and what’s still to be decided on.

“People will be encouraged to take part in our placemaking survey work as well as give feedback on specific projects like the revival of Kirkcaldy’s waterfront or car parking options.”

A trial is currently running in the town offering a cheaper parking season ticket that works out less than £1 for all-day parking. Wider parking options for the town centre are also set to be reviewed and feedback from drivers about what other changes they would like to see in the future will help to inform this.

The pop-up engagement shop is in the Kirkcaldy Centre, and will be open as follows:

  • Wednesday 27 Nov: 10am – 4pm
  • Thursday 28 Nov: 4pm – 7pm
  • Friday 29 Nov: 10am – 4pm
  • Wednesday 4 Dec: 10am – 4pm
  • Thursday 5 Dec: 4pm – 7pm
  • Friday 6 Dec: 10am – 4pm

For those who can’t make it to the shop, an online parking consultation will also be running online at