Fife Council provides both on and off street parking for public use. This includes 174 car parks and a total of 12,000 parking spaces. We maintain a register of public car parks that we own and try to ensure that there are enough short-stay parking spaces and quality Park-and-Ride facilities to enable people to gain ready access to town centres.
Details of all parking charges for the various parking places within Fife can be found on the Car Parking Charges page. If there is a fault with a Pay & Display machine, please use another machine within the car park. If you are unable to obtain a ticket, you must contact the parking supervisor prior to leaving your vehicle on 03451 551507.
Blue badge holders and motorcycles are free to park in any of our spaces without the need to purchase a ticket.
We encourage people to use public transport, cycle, and walk more often. We can all help the environment and reduce congestion by reducing the number of journeys we make by car. To support this, cycle parking is provided at a number of our key car parks and public transport interchanges.
All areas concerning the maintenance of our car parks, including the repainting of parking bay markings, is the responsibility of our Parking Management team. You can contact them at if you have any issues or concerns.