
Representatives from community emergency resilience groups in Fife have created a Fife-wide network – the Fife Community Resilience Forum.

Read the Forum’s terms of reference for more information.

Fife Community Resilience Forum -Terms of Reference


The Fife Community Resilience Forum is a community owned forum to support communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies.


  • Communities in Fife with an involvement and/or interest in community emergency resilience activities.
  • Representatives from Fife Council’s Emergency Resilience Team and the Scottish Flood Forum will support the forum.
  • Representatives from other statutory agencies, including the emergency services and SEPA, also have a role in supporting communities through the forum.


Members of the forum will agree a process for chairmanship and Fife Council’s Emergency Resilience Team and Scottish Flood Forum will provide facilitation support and expert advice.

Frequency and length of meetings

Meetings will be scheduled quarterly, or where required to cover specific topics.


To establish a Fife wide forum to share and develop good practice in proactive actions that will enhance local community emergency resilience.


  • To identify good practice and areas for improvement in relation to community emergency resilience activities and to ensure this experience is shared between members.
  • To identify community training needs and develop a programme of learning aimed at enhancing community emergency resilience. For example, facilitating presentations, guest speakers and other learning opportunities.
  • To develop a register of local interests, resources and priorities.
  • To actively promote the Forum across Fife communities.
  • To use existing local networks to encourage and support groups to develop, in partnership with their communities, their own local action, readiness and resilience plans.
  • Where appropriate, use the Forum and other bodies such as the Scottish Flood Forum to strengthen local funding applications.
  • To provide a collective voice for Fife community resilience groups, gathering opinions and priorities and communicating these to established local and national resilience structures (via the Fife Council Emergency Resilience Team).
  • To provide a mechanism for responder organisations and other agencies to support communities.
  • To annually assess the relevance and importance of the Forum and terms of reference.

For more information, please contact the Emergency Resilience Team