
1.  Purpose of the processing and the legal basis for the processing:

Roads Safety and Travel Planning uses the information provided by you to deliver our services and to carry out our public functions of providing school travel planning which includes activities such as Bikeability, On Yer Doorstep, Walk to School etc.

We will use the information provided by you to communicate with parents/ carers and children to promote our activities and enrol children into undertaking active travel via questionnaires/competitions and social media.

2. Please describe the categories of personal data processed by your Service or service:

The personal information we gather and use includes name, children and parent contact details, e-mail addresses, age category, entrant school, physical activity experience, photographs, videos, images and statistical information.

3. Any recipient or categories of recipients of the personal data:

  • At times we will share your information with other council departments as well as external partners and organisations. These include organisations such as Cycling Scotland, funding bodies and the wider public via social media.

4. The source the personal data originates from and whether it came from publicly accessible sources (including information gathered about third parties eg where we have gathered information about a third party during discussions with a service user):

We receive information about you/your child from yourself as part of the enrolment/competition process.

5. Whether the provision of personal data is part of a statutory or contractual requirement or obligation and possible consequences of failing to provide the personal data:

In the event that we did not request and use this information then it would not be possible to carry out our public functions and provide our service.  By entering into a questionnaire/competition, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of use within that entry.