
1. Purpose of the processing and the legal basis for the processing:

Recorded Meetings

Fife Council will use your personal information when you attend/participate in a recorded meeting/live event.

We will do this as part of our official authority/public task and in order to promote engagement, service delivery and democratic responsibilities.

Live Events

Fife Council will use your personal information when you view/interact in a live event.

We will do this as part of our official authority/public task and in order to promote engagement, service delivery and democratic responsibilities.

2. Please describe the categories of personal data processed by your Service or service:

Recorded Meetings

The personal information we may gather and use includes name, contact details, e-mail address, IP address, video images, voice/audio and photographs.

We may also use and store images, sound recordings and information pertaining to you contained in them for webcasting or training purposes.

Live Events

The personal information we may gather and use when you view/interact in a live event includes supplied name and IP address.

We may use any interactive questions and answers supplied by you for the purposes of developing and providing Council services to you.

3. Any recipient or categories of recipients of the personal data:

Recorded Meetings

When you partake in a recorded meeting, we may share your information with Elected Members, other Fife Council Services, other individuals involved in the meeting.  In addition, we may also make certain meetings publicly available to members of the public, e.g. Committee meetings.  We may also provide your information to our suppliers to enable us to deliver this service.

Live Events

When you view/interact in a live event, we may share your information with other Council Services.

4. The source the personal data originates from and whether it came from publicly accessible sources (including information gathered about third parties e.g. where we have gathered information about a third party during discussions with a service user):

Recorded Meetings

We receive information about you from you yourself when you partake in the recorded meeting.

Live Events

We receive information about you from you yourself when you view/interact in a live event.

5. Whether the provision of personal data is part of a statutory or contractual requirement or obligation and possible consequences of failing to provide the personal data:

Recorded Meetings

In the event that we did not request and use this information then it would not be possible for us to provide this service.  If you do not wish to partake in a recorded meeting, you may leave the meeting at any time.

Live Events

In the event that we did not request and use this information then it would not be possible for us to provide this service.