
Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice explains how we use the information that we collect about you.

Fife Council uses the personal information provided by you within your application in order to process your application under Building Standards legislation.

We have a statutory function to process your application under the terms of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 and associated legislation.

Fife Council is also responsible under Section 97 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (as amended) for the naming of streets and numbering of properties. The information provided will be used to fulfil this function where appropriate.

The personal information we gather and use includes name and contact details.

The information provided will be made available to Economy Planning and Employability Service as appropriate to inform policy activities such as the annual housing land audit.

We may obtain personal information relating to your application from a third party acting on your behalf.

In the event that we did not request and use this information it would not be possible to carry out our statutory functions in determining your application or providing official address details.

The Council will not keep your information for longer than is necessary. In some instances the law sets the length of time information has to be kept. The Council has a retention schedule which sets out how long we hold different types of information.

Further information on how your information is used and why can be found at The Council's Data Protection Officer can be contacted at: