
If you do letting agency work in Scotland you are required by law to comply with a Letting Agent Code of Practice and to join a Register of Letting Agents.

The Register of Letting Agents will be a list run by Scottish Ministers that will make sure every letting agent is suitable to do the job and has met minimum training requirements.

Registration Fee

The Scottish Government has now published details of the application fee that those applying to join the Register of Letting Agents must pay. The level of application fee that applicants will pay depends on the number of offices their business has, where letting agency work is carried out, and whether they applied to join the register or re-register within the stated deadlines. Please see the Letting Agent Registration Guide for further information.

Letting Agent Regulation Landlord and Tenant Guides

The Scottish Government has also published information guides for landlords and tenants about letting agent regulation. These aim to help landlords and tenants understand what letting agent regulation is and what it will mean for them.