
Map showing the plans for New Flockhouse, with a total of 51 properties within the scheme

No of Properties: 51

Tenure: Social Rent

Estimated Completion Date: 2024/2025

Project Details

The new development at New Flockhouse, Lochore, is situated on what was previously a greenfields site. It will bring a mixture of two, three, and four-bedroom properties. The development includes general needs housing, amenity and wheelchair bungalows, and cottage flats.

This development is one of the final projects from Fife Council's Phase 3 Affordable Housing Programme, which has delivered 3,500 new affordable houses across all areas of Fife.

The new homes will provide tenants with energy efficient homes, which will include solar panels to help reduce utility costs. The properties will also meet Scottish Government Sustainability standards, Housing for Varying Needs, and Secure By Design.

Specific needs properties will have wet floor showers, and wheelchair cottages will have wet floor showers and specially designed kitchens with adjustable worktops.

Housing Mix

  • 16 x 2 bedroom, general needs
  • 8 x 3 bedroom, general needs
  • 2 x 4 bedroom, general needs
  • 4 x 1 Bedroom amenity bungalow
  • 2 x 2 Bedroom amenity bungalow
  • 3 x 2 Bedroom wheelchair bungalow
  • 4 x 1 Bedroom cottage flats
  • 12 x 2 Bedroom cottage flats

Energy Rating: B

Landlord: Fife Council

How to apply for these properties: These properties will be allocated from the Fife Housing Register