
We can provide housing advice and arrange for short term housing support for young people leaving care.

You must have been:

  • Looked after and accommodated away from home for 13 weeks after your 14th birthday.
  • Past the school leaving date when discharged from the looked after system.
  • Discharged from the looked after and hearing system after the age of 16

If you are in need of emergency temporary accommodation when you leave care, the following options are available:

Supported lodgings

This type of accommodation can be a great stepping stone from leaving care into independent living.  You will get your own room within a family home setting.  The people offering the placement assist you in gaining independent living skills needed for when you get your own home.

Bed & Breakfast

This is only used in emergencies, when no other accommodation is available.


A room is provided for your sole use, with shared amenities until more suitable accommodation can be secured. This type of temporary accommodation is used as a temporary stop gap.

Supported accommodation

There are a number of projects specifically for young people. Support is provided to enable you to gain the skills to be able to live independently.  A room for your sole use is provided with shared amenities.

Scattered flats and shared flats

These are single or shared furnished flats. Support is provided to help you live more independently.

How to Apply for Housing Online

Have a look at our Apply for a House information.

We will assess your application and reply to you within 20 days. We will write to tell you:

  • How your application has been assessed and the points you have been awarded;
  • The category your application is in;
  • Any information we still need that could affect your application;
  • How to enquire about or appeal against our decision

For further information on how your application will be assessed, please contact us at Our Housing Professionals will ensure your application is assessed, according to your current housing situation.

More information can be found on the Health and Social Care webpage.