
What caused the damage?

You'll not be recharged for:

  • Anything that needs repaired or renewed due to everyday wear and tear. This can include repairs such as door handles loosening or taps dripping
  • Any work where a crime's been committed and reported to the Police. Once you have a crime reference number from them, please report this to us. This stops any recharges being sent to you

If repairs or replacements are needed in your property as a result of misuse, accidental damage or neglect, you're responsible for the cost. This includes

  • yourself
  • people living with you
  • visitors to your home

You'll be advised of an estimated cost when you report the repair. You can either choose to have us do the work for you, or you can pay for a qualified private contractor to do it. Your housing management officer will be asked to inspect the work. This is to make sure it's been done to an acceptable standard.

What happens next?

A member of our Housing Services team may need to come out to inspect the damage. This is done before any work can start. They may take photographs for reference, and these can be used if you refuse responsibility for the repair later. You'll receive a recharge letter, with details of the repair and estimated cost. You'll be asked to sign the acknowledgement slip and send it back to us.

The cost of the repair can change before an invoice is sent to you. This happens if the repair becomes more complicated. A Debtors Account is raised in your name and payment instalments can be made if you can’t pay in full.

Appealing your recharge

If you don’t agree with the recharge, you can call us on the Faults and Repairs line on 03451 55 00 11. We'll complete a ‘Recharge Dispute’ on your behalf. This will be passed to the recharge appeal team for their attention. They will contact you directly by writing.